Thursday, July 30, 2015

And then there were 17....

So Jim Gilmore has entered the race for the GOP nomination for President. Holy crap! I never thought you could find someone with less chance of becoming the nominee than Bobby Jindal or Carly Fiorina, but apparently I was mistaken.

This man has even less name recognition than George Pataki. How is that even possible?

Mr Gilmore was the  68th Governor of Virginia from 1998 to 2002, so he will be pushing that "Executive Experience" button for all it's worth in his brief yet already doomed campaign.

Here is a pic of Governor Gilmore, in case he comes up to you in the street and asks you for your vote. He won't, but I think it is important to at least put up his picture before he is engulfed by political oblivion.

Image: Jim Gilmore 2016: 10 Noteworthy Tweets About Potential GOP Presidential Hopeful
Take a quick look. He won't be running for long.