Wednesday, April 03, 2019

PSA: You can ignore any emails you get like this one...

This is the body of an email received by a colleague today (word for word as received):

This account was infected! Renew the password this time!
You might not know me me and you are probably wondering why you are reading this particular letter, right?
I’m ahacker who openedyour emailand digital devicessome time ago.
Never try to msg me or find me, it is definitely not possible, because I forwarded an email using YOUR hacked account.
I’ve installed virus on the adult videos (porn) site and guess that you have vistited this site to have a good time (you know what I want to say)
Whilst you have been watching movies, your internet browser began operating like a RDP (Remote Control) having a keylogger that gave me the ability to access your monitor and network camera.
Afterward, my programgatheredall information.
You have put passcodes on the websites you visited, I caught them.
Needless to say, you are able to change each of them, or have already modified them.
Even so it doesn’t matter, my program updates needed data regularly.
What have I done?
I made a reserve copy of every your system. Of all files and each contact.
I formed a dual-screen movie. The 1st section shows the video you were watching (you have got an interesting taste, wow…), and the second part demonstrates the tape from your camera.
What do you have to do?
Great, I think, 1000 USD will be a reasonable amount of money for this very little secret. You will make a payment by bitcoins (if you do not understand this, try to find “how to buy bitcoins in Google).
My bitcoin wallet address:

     [ Idiot Put The AdDreSS here ]

(It is cAsE sensitive, so copy and paste it ).
You will have only 48 hours to perform the payment ( I have an exclusive pixel to this email, and at the moment I understand that you have read this email).
To monitorthe reading of a letterandthe activityin it, I utilize a Facebook pixel. Thanks to them.
(Anything thatcan be usedfor the authorities should helpus.)
In the even I fail to get bitcoins, I will undoubtedly transfer your video files to all your contacts, such as family members, co-workers, etc?


So let’s analyze this one together shall we?

Even if this guy had put a virus on a porn site ( and he has not ), Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) on PCs is by default DISABLED, so he cannot have taken control of my internet browser and he cannot have installed a keylogger and he cannot at any time ever have had access to my camera because...I DON’T HAVE ONE.

Therefore anything he says about what he’s done is just complete fucking hogwash.

No capturing videos, so no “dual-screen movie”. So then his pathetic attempt at extortion via bitcoins is just laughable. And because he never got control of my PC, he cannot have my Contact List to threaten me with. And “I have installed a pixel”? LMAO. I don’t thing he knows what a pixel is nor what Facebook Pixel does. The sap. This email came via Russia and Japan using spoofed addresses.
He’s right about one thing, he is untraceable. But if you receive an email like this, it is 100% shitcanable and I suggest you do just that. And then laugh your ass off that this schmuck.