Friday, September 11, 2015

Getting back on my hobby horse

To date the media coverage of the candidates vying for their party nominations for the Presidency has been nothing short of APPALLING.

When this election is over it will go down as having the worst ever coverage from the media. Remember at the last election when, because the process took so long to resolve the GOP candidate that the media apologized for simply "covering the horse race" and for being way too quick to declare front runners and hence the presumptive nominee? Cain, Santorum, Bachmann? Anyone remember the disservice to the electorate of that?

And now in 2016, it is only worse. The media in lock step, just follows the polls and calls that political reporting.

How's this for an idea? COVER THE CANDIDATES. ALL THE CANDIDATES. Tell us their views. Tell us their policies. Send reporters out and find us some facts. INTERVIEW PEOPLE. Educate the public.

Just reporting about the polls has led to the absurd situation of Donald Trump leading the GOP field, a man who has ZERO chance of being President. And who's second in these polls? Dr Ben Carson, a man beloved by the right for making a very silly speech at a prayer breakfast and who has been living high on the political hog ever since. Again, a man who has not a snowball's chance in you-know-where of being President. A man who has said things just as asinine as Bobby Jindal or Mike Huckabee but who, because he's up there in the polls is getting just the glowing coverage without the scrutiny. Why? Because the poll number is all that matters, not views, not opinions, not lack of opinions. "It's all about the number ma'am".

And if poll numbers are high, the media gives these candidates more publicity making their poll numbers high and reinforcing the wall of separation of legitimate candidates from the public.

God help us, but this utter utter nonsense of what is passing for political reporting has to stop.

And please please please CNN in particular, have your reporters and editors talk about the political stories of the day, I have no use for this "GOP strategist" or that "Democratic consultant" spinning a speech at me THAT I JUST WATCHED.

Stop that.
