Wednesday, January 19, 2005

"Only Time Will Tell"

Today, I heard the most maudlin song EVER written in the history of songwriting. It was a song of monumentally cloying lyrics, I had an unstoppable urge to shower to get the lyrical treacle from my body. I am of course, refering to the song "Only Time Will Tell" by the contemporary Christian "artiste" known as Carolyn Arends. It's a song that supposedly she wrote for friends whose child died soon after birth. It is simply fucking awful. It pushes The South Park Alan Jackson parody "Where Were You When They Built The Ladder To Heaven" into second place in the list of worst songs ever recorded. Here is how it starts :-

They took his picture in his mama’s womb
He really put on a show
Dancing and diving for the ultrasound
Fearfully made, and wonderful
But the doctors said we’re sorry, there’s a problem
We’ll do our best to make him well
But we’re not sure if we can fix him
Only time will tell, only time will tell

And there's a lot more of the same. A lot more. Jesus effing Christ but it's bad. I feel like barfing. It is so heartwarming, so full of its own goodness, it make your throat gag. Have we really gone from Mahler's Kindertoten Lieder to THIS? Of couse, I'm sure Ms Arends sees nothing wrong with this song. When of course, what is wrong with it is simply....everything.

The world is truly.....doomed.

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