I think the time has come to say a few words about this. The first being that Congress has no moral legs to stand on to "Tsk, tsk" Mr Colbert. ELMO has testified before Congress for goodness sake. All high ground was lost a long, long time ago.
Congressmen Conyors came across as a buffoon and most of the members of the committee showed themselves to be intellectual midgets devoid of both a sense of humor and a capacity for rational thought.
He was funny. But he also made telling and serious points, but these idiot representatives seem incapable of holding those two ideas simultaneously in their small round heads. What we saw was them running for cover because of the inevitable sound bites that would be plucked from Colbert's testimony and shown on the TV news in 20 second segments.
What the Congress guys and gals should have done was defend Mr Colbert, not attack him to make themselves appear to have political gravitas before the upcoming election.
Of course the Republicans lambasted him on Fox News ( "Not funny" ), because they have no sense of humor, but I also saw a Democratic "Strategist" doing the same and I thought "you silly, silly woman". Because when you lay down with Neanderthals, your children are going to have really big foreheads and no brains.
This blog is about a former Englishman, now an American citizen and his clashes with American popular culture with an emphasis on religion's deleterious effects. Unless you live here, it is very hard to understand religion's pernicious grip - especially in the political arena.
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Manhattan Declaration
So after all the ballyhoo last year about the Manhattan Declaration, we can now step back and look at the impact of this "call to Christian values" - whatever they are.
So again, let's take 320 million as the US population and let's be generous and say only adults get involved in this nonsense and that they make up 50% of the population.
So 160 million potential signatories, how many people have signed what Chuck Colson said was"the most important document I have ever signed in my life"?
Answer: 461914.
Or put another way, 0.289% of the American people agree with this "Christian Country" idiocy.
Making up a modern day cliche like "I will render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's, but I won't render to Caesar that which is God's" is simply not cutting it today Mr.Colson.
Because the future of our nation is more important than cheap word games based on Bible quotes.
So again, let's take 320 million as the US population and let's be generous and say only adults get involved in this nonsense and that they make up 50% of the population.
So 160 million potential signatories, how many people have signed what Chuck Colson said was"the most important document I have ever signed in my life"?
Answer: 461914.
Or put another way, 0.289% of the American people agree with this "Christian Country" idiocy.
Making up a modern day cliche like "I will render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's, but I won't render to Caesar that which is God's" is simply not cutting it today Mr.Colson.
Because the future of our nation is more important than cheap word games based on Bible quotes.
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Mel and Oksana
Mel Gibson is a man with all the rage and resentment of an Australian but without their sunny disposition.
Yes, I know. He was born in New York state. But clearly his upbringing in Australia gave him the chip on his shoulder he so lovingly brings to his movie roles.
And Oksana seems (a) to be in this for the money and (b) very naive about Mel Gibson. Did she never watch his movies? Sometimes buried in fiction is the actual man's true character.
Look how may times his characters have to go through the violence wringer. Talk about self loathing.
Yes, I know. He was born in New York state. But clearly his upbringing in Australia gave him the chip on his shoulder he so lovingly brings to his movie roles.
And Oksana seems (a) to be in this for the money and (b) very naive about Mel Gibson. Did she never watch his movies? Sometimes buried in fiction is the actual man's true character.
Look how may times his characters have to go through the violence wringer. Talk about self loathing.
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Prince says "Internet is over".
This week, Prince the diminutive artiste formerly known as "Squiggle", boldly announced that "The Internet is over". Of course what is "over" ( and has been for a long long time), is Prince's career. Right now he's as influential as the wax cylinder industry and marginally less relevant.
Sunday, June 20, 2010

Finally I have to write something about the site www.formspring.me This is a site that allows its users to ask anonymous questions of each other. It's like a more interactive Tweet kind of a deal.
Well since their last site upgrade, certain buttons on the site have completely stopped working - the "More Answers" button for example. So you cannot scroll a page to even see old answers. The site has a troubleshooting forum where every day, people leave posts that this functionality is no longer working.
The people running the site do NOTHING, NICHTS, NADA, absolutely BUGGER ALL in response to these users complaints.
They are, in a few words, useless appendages on the arse-end of the Internet.
This error of course, should be fixed pronto, but in the interest of good user feedback ( and perhaps in getting new users ), these people need to take down the site and restore the old layout until they are in a position to say "That bug is fixed".
Right now the site is generating a huge amount of bad comments from its users and its owners should really be concerned about that.
Oh yes. For me this has been broken for maybe, a MONTH.
Why oh why can't they fix it? The way the error manifests, it might just be a Java version incompatibility - something that should be freaking easy peasy to verify and correct. Or are they giving up on XP? We simply don't know because the site never responds to user concerns.
Vent. Vent. Vent. Dumbasses.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Thinking about pastors and their donors

Any preacher or pastor who asks for a "donation" for "this week's radio/TV offer" for "the ongoing work of this ministry" is no better than the money changers Jesus threw out of the temple.
Their "churches" are as the seats of those that sold doves.
I guess that's why they will sell you anything except live birds. But that being said, I have seen the one with the wire coat hanger in his mouth, Robert Schuller, sell little birdie ornaments though.
So really there's no difference. NO DIFFERENCE AT ALL. Charlatans all.
Their "churches" are as the seats of those that sold doves.
I guess that's why they will sell you anything except live birds. But that being said, I have seen the one with the wire coat hanger in his mouth, Robert Schuller, sell little birdie ornaments though.
So really there's no difference. NO DIFFERENCE AT ALL. Charlatans all.
Sunday, May 16, 2010
S.E.Cupp on Bill Maher

Self professed atheist S.E.Cupp was on Bill Maher's HBO show this week but her strident assetions on the benefits of religion certainly belie her claim to non-belief. Bill pressed her to say that people who believe in the talking snake and all that rigamarole were deluded and she just couldn't do it.
She did at one time say she had a Masters in Religious Studies and then, for me, the light went on.
She's an atheist as much as those guys who get biology degrees and end up working at The Discovery Institute are scientists.
Classic fifth columnist stuff.
And to put the cherry right on top of this very rancid cake, the president of the Media Research Council, the ginger dweeb that is Brent Bozell contributes a quote on the dust cover of Cupp's latest book "Losing Our Religion: The Liberal Media's Attack On Christianity".
Enough said.
Friday, April 30, 2010
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Woo! Hoo! No Station in South Florida for Dobson!
Doctor James Dobson's new radio comedy show starts on May 3rd. Here is the link to his new website. http://myfamilytalk.com. Alas, there is no radio station in Dade, Broward or Palm Beach counties that will be carrying it.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Why 2010 sucks at the movies
This is what we have to look forward to for the rest of 2010 :-
A Nightmare on Elm Street
Iron Man 2
Robin Hood
Shrek For Ever After
Sex and the City 2
Prince of Persia
The A-Team
The Karate Kid
Toy Story 3
The Twilight Saga: Eclipse
Hairspray 2
Step Up 3D
The Expendables
Nanny McPhee 2
The Lottery Ticket
Piranha 3-D
Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps
Jackass 3D
Paranormal Activity 2
The Howling: Reborn
Hairy Pooter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1
Red Dawn
Tron Legacy
The Green Hornet
True Grit
Sequels. Remakes. Comic Books. Hollywood truly is an industry bereft of ideas.
A remake of Red Freaking Dawn??? That's got to be a joke right? And True Grit too?
Only two upcoming Hollywood movies hold any interest for me in 2010.
One is "Salt" with Angelina Jolie. The other is "Knight and Day" with Tom Cruise and Cameron Diaz.
And alas I have to say this knowing that Olivia Wilde is in "Tron Legacy".
A Nightmare on Elm Street
Iron Man 2
Robin Hood
Shrek For Ever After
Sex and the City 2
Prince of Persia
The A-Team
The Karate Kid
Toy Story 3
The Twilight Saga: Eclipse
Hairspray 2
Step Up 3D
The Expendables
Nanny McPhee 2
The Lottery Ticket
Piranha 3-D
Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps
Jackass 3D
Paranormal Activity 2
The Howling: Reborn
Hairy Pooter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1
Red Dawn
Tron Legacy
The Green Hornet
True Grit
Sequels. Remakes. Comic Books. Hollywood truly is an industry bereft of ideas.
A remake of Red Freaking Dawn??? That's got to be a joke right? And True Grit too?
Only two upcoming Hollywood movies hold any interest for me in 2010.
One is "Salt" with Angelina Jolie. The other is "Knight and Day" with Tom Cruise and Cameron Diaz.
And alas I have to say this knowing that Olivia Wilde is in "Tron Legacy".
Time to Talk Globalization
Experts say globalization has lifted millions out of poverty and so it must be a good thing.
The middle class in the US have seen their way of life forever altered and this is a bad thing. It is no coincidence that the children of today's parents will most assuredly not have a better life than their moms and dads - something that was unthinkable only one generation ago.
Where you stand on the whole globalization issue in the US depends on just one thing - whether you are in the middle class or whether you are not.
We've all seen them, "economists", "trade experts" and talking heads from rightwing think tanks like The Heritage Foundation on channels like CNBC and Bloomberg TV telling us that globalization is inevitable and we can't stop it. The kicker always for me, is when they say "In the future people will have 7 different careers in their lifetime".
Woah! Hold on Bald Eagle. No one and I mean NO ONE ever questions that statement - a statement always made by some "expert" safely ensconced in a job-for-life post in academia or by a career politician ( code word for lawyer ) who also isn't getting a new job in his lifetime. What is that percentage of re-elected encumbents again? Over 90% I think. These guys won't be changing careers a whopping 7 times. Of that we can be damn sure.
Now another number we always hear is that 70% of the US economy is consumer spending.
What would it mean for the US economy if the middle class don't spend anything? I think we've just had a glimpse of that in this last recession. I'll answer my own question. It means a future of economic stagnation stretching away as far as the eye can see. It means a US decline foreseen by our masters and sanctioned as "good for us" by them. It means lower wages until we can compete with the most poorest exploited persons in the world. It means our rulers are following policies to keep the mass of the American people in fear and economic bondage.
People won't spend money if their economic future is uncertain. Who can pay a mortgage if their wages crash every few years when they have to go out and get that 4th, 5th and 6th new career off the ground?
In the last few years as globalization has taken hold, CEOs have been encouraged to outsource perfectly legitimate middle class jobs from the US to "low cost" countries and the devil take the consequences. Well the consequences will eventually come home to roost when the middle class raises up and says "Enough! No more of this crap" and we will see such a swing to protectionism and isolationism it will make the 1930's look like a global lovefest.
And why are jobs outsourced? To maintain profits. To raise share prices. To give the CEO his bonus. And to hell with any effects this has on the US or its citizens. It's an attitude of "I'm all right Jack. Sod the workers, they'll never get into this club and affect MY life like I've screwed with theirs."
And then this sentence will be reapplied again by expoited and frustrated US citizens :-
When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes that impel them to the separation.
And that declared cause will be that our rulers have destroyed what it means to be an American. They have destroyed our economy, our way of life and more crucially they have destroyed the American middle class' hope for a better future for themselves and their families.
And with that declaration, the middle class of the United States will dissolve the government of it's elected rulers and throw off the serfdom and poverty into which those leaders have forced them. The only difference will be that this time the middle class with throw off the rule of Washington elites, lobbyists, CEOs and Academia. It is not going to be pretty.
The only way to avoid the coming storm is to change from the disastrous economic course on which we have been set and for the government of these United States to realize the depth of middle class resentment that they are creating.
The middle class in the US have seen their way of life forever altered and this is a bad thing. It is no coincidence that the children of today's parents will most assuredly not have a better life than their moms and dads - something that was unthinkable only one generation ago.
Where you stand on the whole globalization issue in the US depends on just one thing - whether you are in the middle class or whether you are not.
We've all seen them, "economists", "trade experts" and talking heads from rightwing think tanks like The Heritage Foundation on channels like CNBC and Bloomberg TV telling us that globalization is inevitable and we can't stop it. The kicker always for me, is when they say "In the future people will have 7 different careers in their lifetime".
Woah! Hold on Bald Eagle. No one and I mean NO ONE ever questions that statement - a statement always made by some "expert" safely ensconced in a job-for-life post in academia or by a career politician ( code word for lawyer ) who also isn't getting a new job in his lifetime. What is that percentage of re-elected encumbents again? Over 90% I think. These guys won't be changing careers a whopping 7 times. Of that we can be damn sure.
Now another number we always hear is that 70% of the US economy is consumer spending.
What would it mean for the US economy if the middle class don't spend anything? I think we've just had a glimpse of that in this last recession. I'll answer my own question. It means a future of economic stagnation stretching away as far as the eye can see. It means a US decline foreseen by our masters and sanctioned as "good for us" by them. It means lower wages until we can compete with the most poorest exploited persons in the world. It means our rulers are following policies to keep the mass of the American people in fear and economic bondage.
People won't spend money if their economic future is uncertain. Who can pay a mortgage if their wages crash every few years when they have to go out and get that 4th, 5th and 6th new career off the ground?
In the last few years as globalization has taken hold, CEOs have been encouraged to outsource perfectly legitimate middle class jobs from the US to "low cost" countries and the devil take the consequences. Well the consequences will eventually come home to roost when the middle class raises up and says "Enough! No more of this crap" and we will see such a swing to protectionism and isolationism it will make the 1930's look like a global lovefest.
And why are jobs outsourced? To maintain profits. To raise share prices. To give the CEO his bonus. And to hell with any effects this has on the US or its citizens. It's an attitude of "I'm all right Jack. Sod the workers, they'll never get into this club and affect MY life like I've screwed with theirs."
And then this sentence will be reapplied again by expoited and frustrated US citizens :-
When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes that impel them to the separation.
And that declared cause will be that our rulers have destroyed what it means to be an American. They have destroyed our economy, our way of life and more crucially they have destroyed the American middle class' hope for a better future for themselves and their families.
And with that declaration, the middle class of the United States will dissolve the government of it's elected rulers and throw off the serfdom and poverty into which those leaders have forced them. The only difference will be that this time the middle class with throw off the rule of Washington elites, lobbyists, CEOs and Academia. It is not going to be pretty.
The only way to avoid the coming storm is to change from the disastrous economic course on which we have been set and for the government of these United States to realize the depth of middle class resentment that they are creating.
And don't get me started what are leaders are doing to manufacturing jobs.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
And So It Goes
Nothing undermines the lies of the new regime at Focus On The Family than their treatment of James Dobson. The whole scale political revisionism continues in its almost Stalinesque purge of any reference to James Dobson from the Focus on the Family website.
Now all the icons for "The James Dobson Family Minute" are replaced with those for something now called the "Focus On The Family Minute". Of course, the former all had a head shot of James Dobson on them. The new "Family Minute"? No.
In fact I have been searching the Focus Archive and I can't find ANY "J.D. Minutes" anywhere!
So Jim Daly can continue to mouth his platitudes about honoring Doctor Dobson and saying how everyone in the Colorado Springs gulag loves him, but as the Bible says "By their works, you shall know them".
And judging by Jim Daly's works so far, he's an unchristian power hungry megalomaniac.
However, I will concede he has one thing in common with James Dobson - he doesn't believe the Commandment about bearing false witness applies to him or the other loons at FoF.
Now all the icons for "The James Dobson Family Minute" are replaced with those for something now called the "Focus On The Family Minute". Of course, the former all had a head shot of James Dobson on them. The new "Family Minute"? No.
In fact I have been searching the Focus Archive and I can't find ANY "J.D. Minutes" anywhere!
So Jim Daly can continue to mouth his platitudes about honoring Doctor Dobson and saying how everyone in the Colorado Springs gulag loves him, but as the Bible says "By their works, you shall know them".
And judging by Jim Daly's works so far, he's an unchristian power hungry megalomaniac.
However, I will concede he has one thing in common with James Dobson - he doesn't believe the Commandment about bearing false witness applies to him or the other loons at FoF.
Friday, February 26, 2010
And Dobson's last day finally arrived
The Focus On The Family broadcast of 2/26/10 was a continuation of yesterday's "Passing The Baton At Focus" program with Jim Daly, John Fuller, General Pat Caruana and Doctor Dobson in the studio. But however much false bonhomie they tried to display and how ever much they tried sucking up to Doctor, there were three telling instances that JIM DALY WAS IN CHARGE.
The first was early on when Doctor Dobson very sheepishly asked "May I be permitted to say say goodbye to our listeners out there?" - like he needed Daly's permission and was audibly cowering in front of him.
The second instance was when Dobson said "Can I tell people what you are doing for us?" This was when he said that Focus On The Family's board was giving him $1 million dollars to start "at ground zero again". Again clearly snivellingly deferring to Jim Daly. But what a golden parachute to start his new venture with! Again I have to think he really put the screws to the board to get that kind of moolah. After all, isn't Focus On The Family kind of short of money? They certainly tell us so at the end of every Focus On The Family broadcast. Where did that million come from? Did they find it in the Focus couch?
I wonder how all the people who Focus have laid off recently feel about this "donation"?
And the third and this was the kicker, was when Jim Daly said "We have a couple of minutes left. I'd like to forward you that opportunity to speak to the listeners from your heart". Wow! That's so big of you Jim. So freaking gracious. James Dobson doesn't need your permission to speak on a Focus On The Family radio program. This was Daly, even in the last few minutes of Doctor being at Focus saying "Hey! I'M IN CHARGE". Subtle but telling I think.
So, so long Doctor. I'm certainly going to miss your folksy shtick and your phony outrage about popular culture and the President. Your new venture is not going to be called "James Dobson on the Family" as was previously reported, but "Family Talk". I hope you continuously drain money from Jim Daly's pocket until he realizes what a fatal mistake he has made forcing you out of the "ministry" you founded.
I won't be listening to Jim Daly's Focus On The Family because he's a huge stinking Arschloch and douchebag.
Bye bye.
The first was early on when Doctor Dobson very sheepishly asked "May I be permitted to say say goodbye to our listeners out there?" - like he needed Daly's permission and was audibly cowering in front of him.
The second instance was when Dobson said "Can I tell people what you are doing for us?" This was when he said that Focus On The Family's board was giving him $1 million dollars to start "at ground zero again". Again clearly snivellingly deferring to Jim Daly. But what a golden parachute to start his new venture with! Again I have to think he really put the screws to the board to get that kind of moolah. After all, isn't Focus On The Family kind of short of money? They certainly tell us so at the end of every Focus On The Family broadcast. Where did that million come from? Did they find it in the Focus couch?
I wonder how all the people who Focus have laid off recently feel about this "donation"?

So, so long Doctor. I'm certainly going to miss your folksy shtick and your phony outrage about popular culture and the President. Your new venture is not going to be called "James Dobson on the Family" as was previously reported, but "Family Talk". I hope you continuously drain money from Jim Daly's pocket until he realizes what a fatal mistake he has made forcing you out of the "ministry" you founded.
I won't be listening to Jim Daly's Focus On The Family because he's a huge stinking Arschloch and douchebag.
Bye bye.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
"Doctor's" last week at Focus On The Family
Well with but two days left for the fabled "celebrations" of Doctor Dobson, he finally was in the Focus studio today with the man who done him wrong, Jim "what a liar" Daly. Also present was The Focus On The Family Chairman, retired Lieutenant General Pat Caruana.
The program was deadly embarrassing - it was very obvious that Doctor Dobson really wanted to be somewhere else.
The program can be summarized as everyone saying "God's hand is on this ministry" and Jim Daly still lying about this being a "planned transition".
Right. Planned in his mind and enacted as a boardroom coup. What a liar.
Doctor did say that his new venture ( "James Dobson On The Family" ) will be getting startup money from Focus. I wonder how he strong armed that out of Jim Daly, a man who he clearly despises? I'm thinking like the end of "The Devil Wears Prada" if you know what I mean. And I think you do.
But thinking that Doctor told Daly, "I'm taking all your donors" now has me seeing him dressed like Meryl Streep in that movie.
Eeeeew! Now I feel so unclean.
The program was deadly embarrassing - it was very obvious that Doctor Dobson really wanted to be somewhere else.
The program can be summarized as everyone saying "God's hand is on this ministry" and Jim Daly still lying about this being a "planned transition".
Right. Planned in his mind and enacted as a boardroom coup. What a liar.
Doctor did say that his new venture ( "James Dobson On The Family" ) will be getting startup money from Focus. I wonder how he strong armed that out of Jim Daly, a man who he clearly despises? I'm thinking like the end of "The Devil Wears Prada" if you know what I mean. And I think you do.
But thinking that Doctor told Daly, "I'm taking all your donors" now has me seeing him dressed like Meryl Streep in that movie.
Eeeeew! Now I feel so unclean.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Doctor Dobson's last week at Focus On The Family II
Well Wednesday's broadcast was simply a repeat of Tuesday's - just schmaltzy voicemails of the sheep saying how much "Doctor" had influenced their lives and on more than one occasion, how a book from the old trout had helped men "understand" their wives.
All rather sad really.
Jim Daly was still lying through his teeth saying "this transition had been planned for years". Except of course all that was planned was for Doctor Dobson to hand over the chairmanship and CEO duties at Focus - not the radio broadcasts as Doctor Dobson himself said last February.
Stealing the radio show and kicking Doctor out of his own ministry - that was all Jim Daly's idea.
Show much for honoring Christ at Focus Mr Daly.
All rather sad really.
Jim Daly was still lying through his teeth saying "this transition had been planned for years". Except of course all that was planned was for Doctor Dobson to hand over the chairmanship and CEO duties at Focus - not the radio broadcasts as Doctor Dobson himself said last February.
Stealing the radio show and kicking Doctor out of his own ministry - that was all Jim Daly's idea.
Show much for honoring Christ at Focus Mr Daly.
James Dobson's Last Week at Focus On The Family I
And so it begins. This week is James Dobson's final week at Focus On The Family and I must say that to date two days in, the previously much vaunted "celebrations" have been less than enthusiastic.
Monday's broadcast did not have Doctor in the studio.
Neither did Tuesday's.
On Monday, the show started with a lot of clips of Doctor and others singing his praises with athe addition of manipulative tinkling background music as per the worst TV evangelists - I'm think of YOU, Rod Parsley. And then a previous recording of Doctor himself explaining Focus' history to a live audience. We've heard that one before. "We were out of money. I went and begged someone for some more. Praise the Lord. Weren't we faithful?"
And that was Monday.
Tuesday was even worse. That program was 100% voicemail recordings of suck up calls from the public. Plus of course with added musical manipulation. I almost barfed up my lunch.
And yes, I would also like to mention the revamped FoF website has been changed again. Gone is the microphone for "Click on Daily Broadcast" to a picture of....you've guessed it! Jim Daly!
This man can't wait until he obliterates all traces of James Dobson from Focus On The Family.
Don't listen to anything he says, by his actions you will know him.
Monday's broadcast did not have Doctor in the studio.
Neither did Tuesday's.
On Monday, the show started with a lot of clips of Doctor and others singing his praises with athe addition of manipulative tinkling background music as per the worst TV evangelists - I'm think of YOU, Rod Parsley. And then a previous recording of Doctor himself explaining Focus' history to a live audience. We've heard that one before. "We were out of money. I went and begged someone for some more. Praise the Lord. Weren't we faithful?"
And that was Monday.
Tuesday was even worse. That program was 100% voicemail recordings of suck up calls from the public. Plus of course with added musical manipulation. I almost barfed up my lunch.
And yes, I would also like to mention the revamped FoF website has been changed again. Gone is the microphone for "Click on Daily Broadcast" to a picture of....you've guessed it! Jim Daly!
This man can't wait until he obliterates all traces of James Dobson from Focus On The Family.
Don't listen to anything he says, by his actions you will know him.
Wednesday, February 03, 2010
And so it starts
Skirmishing in the Dobson vs Daly war continues. On the Focus on the Family website, the link to "Listen To Daily Broadcast" used to be a picture of Doctor Dobson, now since the start of February, it is just a big microphone.
With "Doctor" still in theory having a month of employment at FoF, this in practice, is Daly kicking him while he is down and on the way out.
So Christian of him.
But of course, FoF is a "ministry" in name only - for tax exemption purposes and really has nothing to do with Christ or his teachings.
With "Doctor" still in theory having a month of employment at FoF, this in practice, is Daly kicking him while he is down and on the way out.
So Christian of him.
But of course, FoF is a "ministry" in name only - for tax exemption purposes and really has nothing to do with Christ or his teachings.
Sunday, January 31, 2010
I've just noticed something
At the time of the coup at Focus on the Family when Jim Daly and his minions forced out Doctor James Dobson from the ministry he founded, it was stated by many FoF representatives that there would be many celebrations of "Doctor's" accomplishments before he finally leaves the airwaves at the end of February this year.
Er....where are these 'celebrations'? It is now January 31st 2010 and I've noticed something that bears consideration.....
Since old Dobbo announced he will set up a new rival radio program to the daily Focus on the Family broadcast, I don't think that he's been live from the Colorado gulag - not for the entire month of January. At least when I've tuned in, it has always seemed to be a "Best Of The Best" recording of a previously aired program. No live Dobson. No specially interrupted broadcast so he can smack the President around a little with the likes of Gary "the tosser" Bauer and Chuck "the felon" Colson.
So look for any special "celebrations" of Dobson's achievements at Focus on the Family to be if not non-existent, then very perfunctory and aired probably but once around February 26th - basically just as Daly finally boots him from the building.
This Dobson vs Daly feud can only heat up as 2010 progresses and I love it.
With a recession that shows no sign of going away for the middle class and a shrinking funding base for the twisted fare Dobson and Daly offer, the animosity can only keep going up and up.
Let the games begin!
Er....where are these 'celebrations'? It is now January 31st 2010 and I've noticed something that bears consideration.....
Since old Dobbo announced he will set up a new rival radio program to the daily Focus on the Family broadcast, I don't think that he's been live from the Colorado gulag - not for the entire month of January. At least when I've tuned in, it has always seemed to be a "Best Of The Best" recording of a previously aired program. No live Dobson. No specially interrupted broadcast so he can smack the President around a little with the likes of Gary "the tosser" Bauer and Chuck "the felon" Colson.
So look for any special "celebrations" of Dobson's achievements at Focus on the Family to be if not non-existent, then very perfunctory and aired probably but once around February 26th - basically just as Daly finally boots him from the building.
This Dobson vs Daly feud can only heat up as 2010 progresses and I love it.
With a recession that shows no sign of going away for the middle class and a shrinking funding base for the twisted fare Dobson and Daly offer, the animosity can only keep going up and up.
Let the games begin!
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Hooray for Johnny Weir
It's not that often that I give a shout out to male ice skaters with their "points for style" and their very dodgy wardrobes, but I feel today we must all stand up and say "Well done Johnny!"
Yes indeed, Johnny Weir, all sequins, sparkles and a little bit of fox fur has raised the ire of the animal rights loons and he has said what all right thinking people should say to such idiots :-
“I totally get the dirtiness of the fur industry and how terrible it is to animals. But it’s not something that’s the No. 1 priority in my life. There are humans dying everyday. There are thousands if not millions of homeless people in New York City."
"Look at what just happened in Haiti."
“I tend to focus my energy, if there is a cause, on humans. While that may be callous and bad of me, it’s my choice.”
Bravo Johnny! People are more important. MORE IMPORTANT than animals. Every person in pain in Haiti is worth more than all the little foxes that are or ever were.
Yes indeed, Johnny Weir, all sequins, sparkles and a little bit of fox fur has raised the ire of the animal rights loons and he has said what all right thinking people should say to such idiots :-
“I totally get the dirtiness of the fur industry and how terrible it is to animals. But it’s not something that’s the No. 1 priority in my life. There are humans dying everyday. There are thousands if not millions of homeless people in New York City."
"Look at what just happened in Haiti."
“I tend to focus my energy, if there is a cause, on humans. While that may be callous and bad of me, it’s my choice.”
Bravo Johnny! People are more important. MORE IMPORTANT than animals. Every person in pain in Haiti is worth more than all the little foxes that are or ever were.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Spartacus: Blood and Sand

Of course the other aspect of this series that pushes and pushes and pushes itself to the fore is the rumpy pumpy.
In the opening episode there were three scenes, two involving the soon to be named Spartacus played by Andy Whitfield and "his woman" Sura played by Erin Cummings ( I kid you not! ). The other one involved the evil Roman Glaber ( Craig Parker ) and his very conniving wife Ilithyia ( Viva Bianca ) "You know women are not allowed at the front" he tells her. Pfnarr! Pfnarr! And while the first scene between Sparty and Sura was somewhat perfunctory with many fade cuts, the second one between them could hardly be described as such.
What it can be described as is lazy. It was lazy because it used the movie making cliche of having the characters do it directly after a scene of intense danger - which of course is what happened. Hey we killed a lot of bad guys together! Let's do it, right here right now, we are already sweaty and breathing hard, so its really no biggee.
So maybe we should think of a second name change for this "epic" - let's go with "Spartacus: Blood and Sheets".
Now though this is very bad TV and I mean really really bad, I will be watching the next episode to be sure, for the contextual analysis of course.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Woo! Manhattan Declaration Update
Again, giving them the generous concession of perhaps 160 million people in the US who might be interested in signing, today's number of 404834 signatories to the "Manhattan Declaration" still only represents 0.253% of the American population who gives a flying crappola.
Last week on one of the Focus On The Family broadcasts someone said "hundreds of thousands of people have signed". That would at that time have been THREE hundreds of thousands. Talk about bending the truth while not actually bearing false witness.
All the loons from Jimmy Dobson, to Chuck "the Felon" Colson and Gary "The Tosser" Bauer and beyond can get back to me when they have a 20% sign up rate.
That's going to be for me at 32 MILLION people.
And also, it ain't EVER going to happen.
And one last thing, doesn't this whole "Declaration" thing strike anyone else as kind of prideful? It's like this document's originators are puffing up their importance and the cultural significance of what they are doing. This whole exercise strikes me very much as them setting themselves up as modern day equivalents to those who did actually sign the most significant documents in our nation's past - like say, The Mayflower Compact or heaven forbid, The Declaration Of Independence.
And ladies and gentlemen, I think we can all agree that the people signing this new "Declaration" are truly not fit to shine the shoes of the men from 1776.
But they so think they are. Amd that disturbs me.
Friday, January 01, 2010
This is a Public Service Movie Review
To all my American friends out there, I want to post a review of a movie called "Vampire Killers" as my latest attempt to bridge the cultural gap between the US and the UK.
Please note that the title of ths movie in Britain was "Lesbian Vampire Killers". That says something right there.
Oh dear. This is simply Lad Culture translated into a movie.
And it is very bad.
If you are unaware of the whole Lad phenomenon, it is a marketing culture from the UK aimed directly at 15-year old lager drinking, Ibiza vacation taking, footie fans. It's "literature" is magazines like "Stuff", "Nuts" and "Loaded" full of stories about drinking, football and with lots of color pictures of topless girls.
It is a culture that is manifestly afraid of women. Or to be the most charitable I can be, it knows nothing about women. But it wants to because it feels a "funny" attraction to them.
It might use the word "pornography" in its mags, but that is really a foreign land to the Lad - he is quite happy that topless girls are chopped off at the waist in his favorite Page 3 photos. He feels that below the female waist is little like Antarctica - something is probably going on down there, but he himself really doesn't want to visit at this time.
All that is reflected in this film - the "heroes" are true lads. They use the F-word all the time, they want to just drink beer and pick up "hot birds". If they were ever successful, they wouldn't have clue what to do with one. The vampires are completely asexual; actually making the title change for the movie in the US a more accurate case of truth-in-advertizing. There is suprisingly little pulchritude on display. There is really hardly any blood. There is definitely no out and out gore a la "The Descent".
If you were looking for female vampires like those in Francis Ford Coppola's "Dracula" movie, you are going to be very, very disappointed.
And Paul McGann plays a vicar who uses the F-word a lot? I could hardly contain my water.
Please note that the title of ths movie in Britain was "Lesbian Vampire Killers". That says something right there.
And it is very bad.
If you are unaware of the whole Lad phenomenon, it is a marketing culture from the UK aimed directly at 15-year old lager drinking, Ibiza vacation taking, footie fans. It's "literature" is magazines like "Stuff", "Nuts" and "Loaded" full of stories about drinking, football and with lots of color pictures of topless girls.
It is a culture that is manifestly afraid of women. Or to be the most charitable I can be, it knows nothing about women. But it wants to because it feels a "funny" attraction to them.
It might use the word "pornography" in its mags, but that is really a foreign land to the Lad - he is quite happy that topless girls are chopped off at the waist in his favorite Page 3 photos. He feels that below the female waist is little like Antarctica - something is probably going on down there, but he himself really doesn't want to visit at this time.
All that is reflected in this film - the "heroes" are true lads. They use the F-word all the time, they want to just drink beer and pick up "hot birds". If they were ever successful, they wouldn't have clue what to do with one. The vampires are completely asexual; actually making the title change for the movie in the US a more accurate case of truth-in-advertizing. There is suprisingly little pulchritude on display. There is really hardly any blood. There is definitely no out and out gore a la "The Descent".
If you were looking for female vampires like those in Francis Ford Coppola's "Dracula" movie, you are going to be very, very disappointed.
And Paul McGann plays a vicar who uses the F-word a lot? I could hardly contain my water.
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