The first was early on when Doctor Dobson very sheepishly asked "May I be permitted to say say goodbye to our listeners out there?" - like he needed Daly's permission and was audibly cowering in front of him.
The second instance was when Dobson said "Can I tell people what you are doing for us?" This was when he said that Focus On The Family's board was giving him $1 million dollars to start "at ground zero again". Again clearly snivellingly deferring to Jim Daly. But what a golden parachute to start his new venture with! Again I have to think he really put the screws to the board to get that kind of moolah. After all, isn't Focus On The Family kind of short of money? They certainly tell us so at the end of every Focus On The Family broadcast. Where did that million come from? Did they find it in the Focus couch?
I wonder how all the people who Focus have laid off recently feel about this "donation"?

So, so long Doctor. I'm certainly going to miss your folksy shtick and your phony outrage about popular culture and the President. Your new venture is not going to be called "James Dobson on the Family" as was previously reported, but "Family Talk". I hope you continuously drain money from Jim Daly's pocket until he realizes what a fatal mistake he has made forcing you out of the "ministry" you founded.
I won't be listening to Jim Daly's Focus On The Family because he's a huge stinking Arschloch and douchebag.
Bye bye.