Nothing undermines the lies of the new regime at Focus On The Family than their treatment of James Dobson. The whole scale political revisionism continues in its almost Stalinesque purge of any reference to James Dobson from the Focus on the Family website.
Now all the icons for "The James Dobson Family Minute" are replaced with those for something now called the "Focus On The Family Minute". Of course, the former all had a head shot of James Dobson on them. The new "Family Minute"? No.
In fact I have been searching the Focus Archive and I can't find ANY "J.D. Minutes" anywhere!
So Jim Daly can continue to mouth his platitudes about honoring Doctor Dobson and saying how everyone in the Colorado Springs gulag loves him, but as the Bible says "By their works, you shall know them".
And judging by Jim Daly's works so far, he's an unchristian power hungry megalomaniac.
However, I will concede he has one thing in common with James Dobson - he doesn't believe the Commandment about bearing false witness applies to him or the other loons at FoF.