Well with but two days left for the fabled "celebrations" of Doctor Dobson, he finally was in the Focus studio today with the man who done him wrong, Jim "what a liar" Daly. Also present was The Focus On The Family Chairman, retired Lieutenant General Pat Caruana.
The program was deadly embarrassing - it was very obvious that Doctor Dobson really wanted to be somewhere else.
The program can be summarized as everyone saying "God's hand is on this ministry" and Jim Daly still lying about this being a "planned transition".
Right. Planned in his mind and enacted as a boardroom coup. What a liar.
Doctor did say that his new venture ( "James Dobson On The Family" ) will be getting startup money from Focus. I wonder how he strong armed that out of Jim Daly, a man who he clearly despises? I'm thinking like the end of "The Devil Wears Prada" if you know what I mean. And I think you do.
But thinking that Doctor told Daly, "I'm taking all your donors" now has me seeing him dressed like Meryl Streep in that movie.
Eeeeew! Now I feel so unclean.