Again, giving them the generous concession of perhaps 160 million people in the US who might be interested in signing, today's number of 404834 signatories to the "Manhattan Declaration" still only represents 0.253% of the American population who gives a flying crappola.
Last week on one of the Focus On The Family broadcasts someone said "hundreds of thousands of people have signed". That would at that time have been THREE hundreds of thousands. Talk about bending the truth while not actually bearing false witness.
All the loons from Jimmy Dobson, to Chuck "the Felon" Colson and Gary "The Tosser" Bauer and beyond can get back to me when they have a 20% sign up rate.
That's going to be for me at 32 MILLION people.
And also, it ain't EVER going to happen.
And one last thing, doesn't this whole "Declaration" thing strike anyone else as kind of prideful? It's like this document's originators are puffing up their importance and the cultural significance of what they are doing. This whole exercise strikes me very much as them setting themselves up as modern day equivalents to those who did actually sign the most significant documents in our nation's past - like say, The Mayflower Compact or heaven forbid, The Declaration Of Independence.
And ladies and gentlemen, I think we can all agree that the people signing this new "Declaration" are truly not fit to shine the shoes of the men from 1776.
But they so think they are. Amd that disturbs me.