I think the time has come to say a few words about this. The first being that Congress has no moral legs to stand on to "Tsk, tsk" Mr Colbert. ELMO has testified before Congress for goodness sake. All high ground was lost a long, long time ago.
Congressmen Conyors came across as a buffoon and most of the members of the committee showed themselves to be intellectual midgets devoid of both a sense of humor and a capacity for rational thought.
He was funny. But he also made telling and serious points, but these idiot representatives seem incapable of holding those two ideas simultaneously in their small round heads. What we saw was them running for cover because of the inevitable sound bites that would be plucked from Colbert's testimony and shown on the TV news in 20 second segments.
What the Congress guys and gals should have done was defend Mr Colbert, not attack him to make themselves appear to have political gravitas before the upcoming election.
Of course the Republicans lambasted him on Fox News ( "Not funny" ), because they have no sense of humor, but I also saw a Democratic "Strategist" doing the same and I thought "you silly, silly woman". Because when you lay down with Neanderthals, your children are going to have really big foreheads and no brains.