Saturday, May 30, 2009

Returning to "Utter Evil"

I want to just make another couple of points regarding James Dobson's broadcast of May 14th 2009, the great "Utter Evil is coming out of Congress" program.

In the program Dobbo bemoaned the fact that the Democrats control all the branches of government, the Presidency, the Congress and ultimately the Judiciary via the Supreme Court. "Which will only get more liberal". So there are now no "checks and balances" on what the hated Democrats can do. He said in effect that checks and balances to stop the excesses of one party running amok were a good and desirable thing.

Of course what the old goat completely failed to mention was why he was so vehemently against checks and balances when the Republicans controlled the Presidency and both houses of Congress - when just the Supreme Court provided some very light reins to restrain their excesses.

Oh. That's right. They were "Activist Judges". So they must have been the "wrong kind" of checks and balances. You know the kind? Those that James Dobson doesn't like.

What a Republican shill Focus on the Family has become. Now they don't even bother to say that purely political programs are brought to us by "Focus On The Family Action".

They really are that contemptuous of the law.

This week Tom Minnery said on one of the the "Focus Action Updates" on the Citizenlink website discussing the California Supreme court ruling upholding Proposition 8, "Our side raised nearly $40 million and some of that money came from Focus on the Family" [ to initially pass Prop 8 ]. Shouldn't that have been Focus on the Family Action providing the money?

Someone really needs to investigate the 501.c(3) status of Focus on the Family because Dobson and Minnery are definitely playing fast and loose with its tax exempt status.

What else?

I know. During the program Representative Gohmert actually quoted and I guess, expanded on, a quote by Chuck "the convicted felon" Colson that is so freaking stupid that I feel obliged to put it out for the ridicule in deserves.

"You can't have the morality of Woodstock without producing a Columbine, [or a Madoff]".


What monumental Arschloch-ing stupidity. And what an unbelievably insensitive thing to say to the families of the Columbine dead. "The morality of a rock concert in upstate New York in the 1960's caused your child's death". WTF? What is "The morality of Woodstock" anyway? Free love? Peace? Those things caused deranged killers?



Deregulation caused Bernie Madoff. Greed caused Bernie Madoff. Republicanism without checks and balances caused Bernie Madoff.