Listen to that. God or the Holy Spirit or the Baby Freaking Jesus PERSONALLY told her to be a Republican. I think that's significant. GOD TOLD HER to be a Republican.
Which is odd because he told me all Republicans are in league with Satan and should be exposed for the Pharisees that they so evidently are - Praising themselves for the adulation of the crowd. "He [my husband] started a ministry for at-risk children." and "He [the Lord} gave us 23 great foster children to raise". Clap! Clap! Clap! You are so pious Michele, so godly!
Dobson of course praised her to the hilts as "some one to watch in Congress". He clearly is passing on her being AN IDIOT.
This is the woman who called for Congressional investigations of fellow Americans because, in her twisted universe, they are "unpatriotic".
Her latest gaff ( lampooned dead-on by Jon Stewert ) was to try and pin swine flu on Democrats in the clumsiest of ways by equating the last outbreak as also occuring under a Democratic President ( Jimmy Carter ) - when of course it was under Gerald Ford.
What a partisan hack she is. There is no Republican talking point she won't parrot and no Democratic policy she won't sneeringly denigrate.