Quotes from the Carrie Prejean ( Miss California ) interview with James Dobson.
"These women are beautiful, intelligent. They're driven. Some of us have law degress. We're very educated. We don't solve all the answers in the world. [ We don't have all the answers. ]
Remember, this woman wants to be a teacher.
"I don't see how I got first runner up I really don't. After I answered my question I thought "OK I'm going to be fourth runner up". I don't, I can't say I was going to win or not, but I do know that had I not gotten that question, the outcome would be different."
Er...if the outcome was going to be different, then she's either saying :-
a) She would have won with a politically correct answer - which she admits she can't say.
b) She would have been even lower in the judging with the politically correct answer. Which implies both that her answer was the "right one" and that towing the pro gay marriage line would have been the wrong thing to do. ( if she wanted to win )
This woman can't speak two sentences without them being contradictory. She couldn't walk the intellectual walk with human cerebellums for shoes.