The Focus On The Family broadcast for 5/14/09 was a doozie.
Doctor said that "utter evil" was coming out of the US Congress and various State Houses so we had to have a special broadcast about what's going on....
His guests were :-
1. Tom Minnery - the Focus on the Family hack
2. Gary "the dwarf" Bauer of "American Values"
3. Representative Louis Gohmert of Texas ( why isn't that a surprise? )
3. Representative Steve King of Iowa
He said he had "dozens" examples he could choose from to show this "utter evil" but he only chose to mention :-
1. The confirmation of Kathleen Sebelius as the Health and Human Services Secretary.
2. The Federal Hate Crimes Bill ( this is where the bulk of the broadcast fell )
3. A California law about sperm donation and "sperm washing". TMI there Doctor!
So let's just say Doctor Dobson hates Governor Sibelius and move on to the meat of the broadcast.
Both of the politicians knowingly misrepresented the Federal Hate Crimes Bill so that they could parrot the Republican talking point that "Paedophiles are a protected class in this bill".
Heck Congressman Gohmert used to be a judge and shame on him for stirring up falsehoods about this bill. "Some judge is going to rule that sexual orientation is whatever you are orientated to sexually".
No they are not you lying idiot Republican you.
Sexual orientation is defined in US law. It is homosexuality or heterosexuality.
It is not like some of the paraphilias Doctor Dobson listed ( but shied away from saying what they are ) will become "sexual orientations" or "gender orientations" under this law :-
1. Urophilia - aka "water sports"
2. Necrophilia - surely even Dobson drones know what this is?
3. Sadism
4. Paedophilia
5. Incest
or even some Dobson didn't mention...
6. Dendrophilia - "you are a GIANT Redwood aren't you?"
7. Knismolagnia - Oooh I'm tickled pink!
8. Sinophilia - Everyone loves eating Chinese don't they?
9. Partialism - I love your eyes/armpits/knees/elbows just not "those rude bits".
No one with these deviancies is going to become a member of a "protected class" under the Federal Hate Crimes Bill and shame on the people on this broadcast who said they are. All they are trying to do is SCARE PEOPLE.
And then very briefly they talked about some law in California about sperm donation.
James Dobson's seems to have some inside knowledge on the subject of sperm washing. Apparently ( for him ) it is not foolproof. I imagine he washes his every night.
Dobson was concerned that a 2007 California law that allowed people ("homosexuals" ) with STDs and even AIDs to donate sperm ( which gets washed ) now is going to be changed to "weaken the protections" for the women who get this sperm. Apparently ( according to Doctor Dobson ) they now won't be told the health status of the donors.
I would be concerned too if I believed anything that Dobson says.
I can't give blood in the US because I lived in England 25 years ago. So I don't believe that changes to California laws ( if they are even allowed ) will weaken or endanger US citizens because the California Legislature is bowing to the Homosexual Lobby.
Again, it's just scaremongering from Focus - business as usual in Colorado Springs.