Saturday, May 30, 2009

Lovely News

U.S. District Judge Barbara Crabb of Wisconsin on Thursday May 28th denied motions to dismiss a lawsuit brought by the Freedom from Religion Foundation against the National Day of Prayer.

I'm guessing this will be the only time we will see President Obama and Shirley Dobson on the same side of ANY lawsuit.

Good for this judge!

It all may be a lost cause though because the judge actually wrote that "the defendants arguments have merit and ultimately may be successful". The reason the motions to dismiss were rejected were simply because they are "premature" as summary judgment is yet to be issued on the FFRF's original suit.

Damn! I thought this ridiculous notion of a "National Day of Prayer" was in danger!

What I did find disturbing last year were the stories I read that even though the NDP is a non-partisan event, in her position as Chairman of the NDP Task Force, Shirley Dobson only wanted Christians in her organization - and she interviewed potential volunteers and quizzed them about their Christian Faith.

Of course, if she was just Chairman of the "NDP Christian Task Force" that would be :-

a) More accurate....and.....

b) A clarification that Shirley Dobson DOES NOT have any kind of overarching national role in an event that isn't ( by Presidential decree ), for Christians only.

Shirl and Dobbo every year try to bend the NDP to their Christian will. I'm sure that of the people who even know the NDP exists, the majority don't know that it is open to people of all faiths.

The Dobsons certainly never say so as they pump up Shirley's role from a simple coordinator for one faith's participation in the event to "Chairman of the National Day Of Prayer Task Force".

But that's "Doctor" for you - a man with a slippery and superficial understanding of the Bible in general and that pesky commandment about bearing false witness in particular.