Best quote ever from full time "Focus On the Family" Weasel Tom Minnery came in the FoF radio program where Doctor Dobson uttered his stupid "Barack Obama is distorting the Bible" nonsense.
Tom Minnery attempted to explain the relationship between "Focus On The Family" and "Focus On The Family Action" and he said the following.....
"Focus On The Family money works in tandem with Focus On The Family Action money to allow us to move in and out of issues as we need to. It is very complicated but we have very good lawyers advising us at every step of the way"
And that dear reader is called "muddying the waters between your 501(c)(3) and your 501(c)(4) organizations" - really bending if not the law itself, then its intent.
"Render unto Caesar" Tommy Boy? Oh, only when you can get a tax exemption, I get it.
And speaking of Dobson's fatuous comments as we always have to do, Jon Stewert nailed the old hypocrite on "The Daily Show" with what can only be described as a perfect satirical hit.