There may be nothing in the world to me more satisfying than hearing Doctor James Dobson sigh. I'm not talking satisfying sighs or deep contentment sighs or heaven forbid, sighs of satiety. I'm talking of that exasperated sigh that is a weird combination of "Tsk" and "Oh". You know it when you hear it.
It made a lovely appearence on the "Focus On The Family" program on Colorado anti-discrimination laws on 5/28/08.
The single syllable that he issues is so, ( he thinks ), damning. It is wonderful containing in its little exhalation 'Oh. What are they thinking? This isn't right. I don't believe it' and 'I don't like this and I am always right'. And 'If you agree with what I am objecting to, there is something clearly wrong with you'. And 'this did not happen in the 50's. Waaah. Waaah. Waaah'
And the program also seemed to explain a lot about Doctor Dobson. It seems he was traumatized as a child by an experience in a girls bathroom.
Hint: He hears girls saying "You're going to be in trouble" in the back of his mind to this day.
Sure explains a lot.
Luckily he gets back at womankind through the patriarchy of "Focus On The Family" and in particular in those programs when he probes women about their husbands' porn problems. The sigh comes out in those shows too.