The image he gave me of him "pulling the [bed] covers over his ears" to hide from the day's problems is really funny. He said, "That is how I deal with things that distress me."
What is he, eight years old?
So the "show" from "Focus On The Family Action" ( natch ) consisted of the usual miscreants, Dobson, Minnery, Fabry and Tony Perkins from the "Family Research Council" plus a pastor, "Jack Hibbs of Calvary Chapel in Chino Hills California".
It was the usual rubbish and ranting against "judicial tyranny" aka "opinions we don't like". Minnery said he had read the whole opinion - including the dissenting part - and he said "this ruling means people in incestuus relationships can petition to be married".
Well, I guess they could try, but as INCEST IS ILLEGAL, I'm guessing that they wouldn't get what they want. What a maroon Minnery is.
But the old trout was on his best form. Both of the following nonsensical quotes are from Doc's own lips.
"Families are ABSOLUTELY ESSESNTIAL to freedom" What the flying crap does that mean?
"The Family...the ground floor, the foundation everything rests on."
Really? Everything? Idiot.