Today Doctor Dobson had the first part of an interview with "Hot Tub" Tom Delay and his wife Christine. At the end of the interview Dobson realized he had just completely trashed FoF's 501(c)(3) status when he said the following :-
"Will you stay with us another day and let's talk about non-political things? erm.. we haven't been talking about politics anyway, we've been talking about values and historic events".
Really? Not been talking about politics? So why would he say that tomorrow would be "non-political" if today was too? Surely he would say ( if they were the same ), "Please come back tomorrow so we can continue our interesting discussion?" His statement ONLY makes sense in the context of him, (Dobbo), understanding that today's stuff was "talking politics". And if he realizes that, he knows his 501(c)(3) status just went out the window.
And what did the Hammer have to say? Well he made some predictions of what will happen "if people like us stay home" [for the upcoming election].
In answer to Dobson asking him "what is this country going to be like in 5 or 10 years?" ( if we continue on the track we are on ).
1. There will be cloning of human beings.
2. There will be euthanasia - with the age "ratcheting down" from 99 today to 90 tomorrow to 80...
3. There will be destruction of churches - "to limit speech".
4. There will be a new religious system - "Humanism, if you will".
5. There will be a "rampant judiciary" who will be "creating all kinds of problems to undermine 'our' culture".
6. You will be paying 80-90% in taxes. "Because you are going to have a socialist society".
So let's set ourselves a promise to look at these predictions again on July 9th 2013.
We'll ignore item (5) because let's face it, Dobson, Minnery and Delay et al think that is happening now. Tom did not say how we might measure if this judicial rampancy has increased in 2013. The best issue we will be able to call him out on will be item (6). How foolish of him to give us a number we can actually measure.
And some other doozy miscelleaneous points from the broadcast....
Guess what? It doesn't matter if Tom does not agree with the admonishments of Congress because of his murky ethics. They admonished him. That is on the record. The only reason that they didn't find him guilty of ethics violations was because his party was in the majority at that time - so it was never going to happen. Therefore his trumpeting of "I was never found guilty of anything" has kind of a hollow ring to it. But Congress did recognize his activities were nefarious enough to warrant admonishment. However much he squirms, he can't remove that. And isn't the Ethics Committee bipartisan?
During the interview when talking about getting his mugshot he said the following ( and I'm not making this up ), "I prayed right before that mugshot [that the Lord..], that people would see Jesus in my eyes. If you look at my mugshot you can see great joy and happiness in my eyes. And I truly believe that."
Yes, he is clearly insane. Barking. Just look at the picture. Tell me I'm wrong.
And what the heck was this little exchange.....??
Dobson: "I would really like to talk about children which, Christine, you have given your life to, haven't you?"
Christine Delay: "Just about".
Dobson: "Err, well..and it is not over yet".
Christine Delay: "No".
Was James Dobson praising Christine Delay there for not being dead?