At its peak in the early 1930s, Coughlin's radio show was phenomenally popular. His office received up to 80,000 letters per week from listeners, and his listening audience was estimated to rise at times to as much as one-third of the nation. Coughlin is often credited as one of the major demagogues of the 20th century for being able to influence politics through broadcasting, without actually holding a political office himself.
Does that sound like anyone we know?
Now what happens if we substitute some names and dates......?

At its peak in the early 1990s, Dobson's radio show was phenomenally popular. His office received up to 80,000 letters per week from listeners, and his listening audience was estimated to rise at times to as much as 0.05% of the nation. Dobson is often credited as one of the major demagogues of the 20th century for being able to influence politics through broadcasting, without actually holding a political office himself. "And also to influence events through a so called "ministry", while all the time not being a pastor either". ( my last sentence added )
James Dobson is the natural successor to Father Coughlin, though thank goodness, he reaches into far less housholds than Coughlin did. Lets just call him and FoF, the Bastard Sons Of Hate Radio. He does love to tell us how many letters he gets a week doesn't he? I guess he feels a tad insecure if he doesn't blow his own trumpet and then tell us how expensive it is to run his propaganda operation - so he can then try to sucker us for "contributions".
So Dobson and the Focus on the Family broadcast is to be inducted into the National Radio Hall Of Fame? Well, looking at our history, Father Coughlin shows us that being popular and doing right are not synonymous.
What a mistake this whole fiasco has become. I voted for Howard Stern and I don't even like him - just to try stop this very sad day from happening.
Next inductee? Tokyo Rose? Josef Goebbels?