Yes. Sorry I used the dreaded D-word. But sometimes you just can't get away from the fuckheads that abide there. Sorry.
I'm not sure why the program was on a full month after Darwin Day, maybe it was a rebroadcast. More likely Janet doesn't know what a "calendar" is.
But "Doctor" West was there to talk Darwin and absolute fucking nonsense. And he did not disappoint.
Now I hear you ask, what does "Doctor" West know about biology? Is he one of those turncoat scientists who falsely get their degrees and then renounce all the science they were taught and to go to Seattle and write shit about their discipline?
No. He's not one of those. Not a scientist. But a feces producing writer he surely is.
He's the author of "Darwin Day in America: How Our Politics and Culture Have Been Dehumanized in the Name of Science, Darwin’s Conservatives: The Misguided Quest".
And what understanding of science does he bring to his book writin' endeavors?
Precisely none.
Because as Wikipedia says: "West received an undergraduate degree in Communications (Editorial Journalism) from the University of Washington in 1986. From 1986-1989, he served as Managing Editor of Public Research, Syndicated, which distributed essays on public affairs to more than 700 daily and weekly newspapers. He received his Ph.D. in Government from The Claremont Graduate School (now Claremont Graduate University) in 1992".
And academically that's all he's got. No Science. No Insight. No Freaking Idea.
So well done Janet, once again you went above and beyond your usual crass idiocy to find a man who knew nothing about what he was talking about. And you put him on the radio for an hour, fed him softball questions and had him take some phone calls from soft brained callers.
Because I always want an hour of a pontificating idiot from the Discovery Institute with no qualifications in science telling me what's true when I turn on my radio.