So two seemingly unrelated events are happening today that actually are strangely about the same thing.
And that thing is Close Mindedness.
The inevitable backlash against the HBO documentary "Going Clear" is now in full swing with Scientology's cannon fodder throwing themselves over the barricades armed only with a Church website and no independent thoughts.
Their sole intention? To do the Church's bidding and discredit the film along with the author of the book on which it is based.
These are people not open to reason. People whose minds could not be more closed if they lived all their lives in a locksmith's basement.
And it's sad. Sad to hear people who cannot break out from the mental straitjacket they willingly took unto themselves when they allowed the Church to get their financial hooks in them.
They act just like the victims of any con. They can't believe they are being duped. And you can't persuade them otherwise. And the kicker? Having a financial stake in their own progression through "The Hierarchy", which binds them even closer to the cult and their not-really-benevolent Masters.
Classic mind fuckery.
And then there is the Canadian town of Chilliwack BC that is banning Richard Dawkins "The Magic of Reality", a book that might teach children about actual real world stuff - but they are still allowing the Bible because that is "suitable educational material".
Yes, in 2015, the cold and frozen North is still awash in cold and frozen minds.
Minds just as closed as any cultists.
All we can do is hope that reason will thaw the mental ice, breaking the bonds that hold some people in backward and dangerous thinking.
And I use the term "thinking" it the loosest possible way imaginable.