Today ( Sunday December 20th ) John McCain was playing down the Sarah Palin visor-gate story, saying he understood she blanked out his name on her visor to avoid publicity and paparazzi attention on her vacation in Hawaii. Basically he reiterated Sarah Palin's own explanation - one that stands up to no scrutiny whatsoever.
Her explanation makes no sense because (a) the paparazzi would have been photographing her no matter what her sartorial garb was and (b) WalMart sells blank visors.
Clearly she did it to stick a finger in McCain's eye and for her own unending desire to keep herself in the news.
What is disturbing is that this woman, who so promotes herself as one of the people and just a hockey mom, should have such poor judgement when it comes to understanding the public's perception of events. Does she think she's so loved that she is immune to scrutiny or analysis of her actions? Does she really think the public is so stupid that we won't see her petty vindictiveness behind her "Aw Shucks!" schtick? This story tells more about Palin's spite and ego than a dozen rambling interviews with the mainstream media.
And now she has cut short her vacation. Is there nothing in her life that this woman woman won't quit from?