Saturday, December 26, 2009

Manhattan Declaration = Abject Failure

Again assuming 160 million adults as potential signers of this thing, with a total of 310830 signatories today ( December 26th ), that only represents 0.194% of the American people.

So Chuck "The Felon" Colson can say this is THE most important thing he ever wrote, but these numbers tell me that people are not interested in signing up to loony right wing screeds.

So the only conclusion we can draw is that this "Call To Christian Conscience" is a complete failure.

Let's see if Dobson has the gall to mention its "success" before he leaves the air for ever in February. I guess he might, given the numerous instances I have quoted and written about of his bearing false witness. He wouldn't know Intellectual Honesty if it showed up in Colorado Springs and demanded an interview.