So he doesn't know why? On the radio show he made some half-assed attempt to say that Jim Daly perhaps wanted to fully take control and bring to an end the Dobsonian era, but you could tell from Doctor Dobson's voice that this was pure speculation on his part - and really weak speculation to boot. He simply could not believe Jim Daly had stabbed him in the back - even with the handle of the knife clearly visible. So it had to be "the Lord's will".
So here is my take and I think this is probably nearer to the truth than any spin put on this bloodless coup by James Dobson.
Jim Daly doesn't want to have Focus On The Family perceived as a Personality Ministry. He has seen what has happened to the influence of "The Old Time Gospel Hour" without Jerry Falwell and to "The Coral Ridge Hour" without the intellectually challenged Doctor D.James Kennedy.
Both of those ministries have suffered perilous declines since their founders passed away. They truly were a product of the men who created them. And without their egos firmly stamped on them, they have just become the same as any other mediocre "I-pay-no-taxes" religious Ponzi scheme out there stealing money from the gullible.
Daly fears just such a the decline of Focus On The Family when James Dobson does finally pop his clogs ( that's why Dobson kept rabbiting on about his health ), but alas, his actions are too late to achieve his desired goal.
James Dobson is so associated in the public's mind with Focus On The Family ( was there ever a more folksy voice on the radio offering such hateful advice? ) that his removal will damage the organization irrevocably.
Donations were down $5 million in 2009, leading to many layoffs at the FoF gulag in Colorado Springs. After what has happened, just look how down contributions will be in 2010. Jim Daly has gotten rid of the only reason to send money to the "ministry" and he has ensured its influence will decline to that of the AFA, FRC, PTC, MRC and the "American Values" organization headed up by the Gollum lookalike, Gary "pancake tosser" Bauer.
No one will listen to the FoF radio broadcast after James Dobson leaves. If Jim Daly thinks "Doctor" Bill Maier and Bob "The Squeak" Waliszewski can hold and retain the listenership of the man he has forced out, he is very much laboring under a serious delusion.
I predict real estate sales of parts of the Focus On The Family campus before the end of 2010 as contributions simply dry up.
All that being said, James Dobson going off the radio simply is The Best News of 2009.