Following the announcement of the ignominious forcing out of "Doctor" James Dobson last week, the Focus On The Family Daily broadcast of Monday November 9th 2009 was nothing more than a damage control exercise by Jim Daly and other members of the Focus On The Family board - yes, I'm talking about you, the Reverend Al Mohler and Lt. Gen. Patrick Caruana.
It really looks like Jim Daly has blundered big time in his understanding of the public perception of what the Focus on the Family Ministry actually is. And he and his fellow board members can spin what they did until it becomes a dreidl, but they will rue the day they put the knife into James Dobson's back.
You could hear in Jim Daly's statements that the public have contacted him about his boardroom coup and have universally asked him "WTF are you doing?" He said during the radio program "All of us have mixed emotions right now with what's happening."
Daly's emotions may well be mixed, probably a combination of elation and fear he did the wrong thing ( he did ).
The public's reaction is anger all round that a much loved buffoon has been silenced forever.
You could also hear in John Fuller's voice that he is not happy with what has happened. I suspect John will be gone from Focus within three months.
Focus on the Family itself will unravel before then end of 2010. And when it does, that will be the Best News of 2010 if not Best News Ever.