Friday, April 17, 2009

Family News In Focus - Comment Analysis 4/17/09

They broke the link on the FoF website. No new stories on as of 19:00 Eastern.


So let's talk about Jimmy Dobson's appearance on the Hannity TV show and the spin put on what he said by this mouthpiece Mr Gary Schneeberger.

Dobson did indeed say ""We are awash in evil and the battle is still to be waged. We are right now in the most discouraging period of that long conflict. Humanly speaking, we can say we have lost all those battles."

He did go on to say that he still puts his trust in Jesus to make it all better. But there is no denying he said "We lost all the battles" - even if completely contradictorily earlier, he ( Dobson ), said that FoF had some successes in its campaigns.

Schneeberger tried to spin "we have lost all those battles" as "we lost some points in the last election". What a liar.

So even though Jimmy Dobson is putting his trust in the Lord to come through in the end, I will repeat myself and remind you once again that he did say "We lost ALL the battles". You can't parse "all" to be "some in the last election cycle".

Schneeberger also blamed "the left wing media" for quoting Dobson out of context and he stated that the story originated in the Daily Telegraph in the UK. What he didn't say is that the Daily Telegrapgh is the most right wing quality newspaper in Britain and it is a natural ally of all James Dobson holds dear. So really, this isn't a "quoting out of context" issue at all. It's quoting something stupid that he really said.

The best thing was Dobson justifying himself on Hannity with something like "this wasn't a press release. This was me addressing the FoF staff" as if he had said these things in one venue and not the other, the words would somehow have different meanings?

The fact that this story came out shows really it is time for Dobson to go. How many times in the election were comments from candidates ( "clinging to religion and guns" ) made public when spoken in front of supposedly closed friendly audiences? Did James Dobson learn nothing from Obama?

And finally we come to the true reason he said what he said.

He was having a little "Pity Party" about stepping down at Focus and he wanted his ego stroked by the audience. "No, not true Doctor, you did GOOD things. You showed those gays where the closet is. Don't beat yourself up. We love you Doctor".

That's what we did it for - Pitiful Adulation. And the words got out and came back to bite him.

End of Story.