1. Harry Knox, Another Obama Appointment FoF Does Not Like
Comments from :-
a) Dr Micheal Brown with the "Coalition Of Conscience"
b) Susan Fawnee of the "Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights"
2. National Organization for Marriage Ads
Comments from :-
a) Maggie Gallagher, President of NofM
b) Jenny Tiree of FoFA
3. Elimination of the Invocation at University of Maryland
Comments from :-
a) Jay Sekulo of the ACLJ
b) Matt Staver, Chairman of "Liberty Council"
c) Brad Daykis of the "Pacific Justice Institute
4. Abortion
Comments from :-
a) Saron Foster, President of "Feminists for Life"
5. Gay Student Housing at Texas Christian University
Comments from :-
a) Jeff Johnstone of FoF