This blog is about a former Englishman, now an American citizen and his clashes with American popular culture with an emphasis on religion's deleterious effects. Unless you live here, it is very hard to understand religion's pernicious grip - especially in the political arena.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Family News In Focus - Comment Analysis 4/30/09
1. FCC and Fleeting Expletives*
Comments from :-
a) Dan Ised of the "Parents Television Council"
b) Wendy Wright of "Concerned Women for America"
* And some bleeped quotes from Cher and Nicole Ritchie
2. Gambling In Delaware
Comments from :-
a) Tom Grey of "Stop Predatory Gambling"
b) Susan Edger of the "Delaware Council on Gambling Problems" **
c) Brian McCarthy and NFL spokesman
** A "gambling neutral organization". Really from the title?
3. Gay Activism
Comments from :-
a) Tom Lang a spokesperson for ""
b) Jerry Cox of the "Family Council"
4. Missouri Conscience law
Comments from :-
a) Joe Ortworth of the "Missouri Family Council"
5. Substance Abusing Parents
Comments from :-
a) Joe Grafere of the "Substance and Mental Heatlth Sevices Administration"
b) "Doctor" Joann Condi of FoF
6. Abstinence at Chino Valley High AZ
Comments from :-
a) Pam Malarky ( how appropriate is THAT name?) of "Project SOS"
Phew! I have finally finished.
One month of Family News in Focus is over!
Analysis will start in May. I'm guessing the person who has commented most will be Jenny Tiree of Focus On The Family Action - a Dobsonian stooge hawking the FoF line on a Focus On the Family daily propaganda show.
Is that in any way "News"?
I don't think so.
But let's not jump to conclusions before I've really looked over all this data.
Family News In Focus - Comment Analysis 4/29/09
Comments from :-
a) Ken Hutcherson the "Pastor"
Joseph Backholme of the "Family Policy Institute Of Washington"
2. Violence in places of worship
Comments from :-
a) Steven Henschell of "Calvary Chapel San Diego"
b) Rudy Rudicell founder of "Sheepdog Ministries"
3. 100 days of Obama
Comments from :-
a) Ashley Horne of FoFA
b) Jim Daly, FoF President
4. Obama News Conference ( not on Fox )
Comments from :-
a) Tim Graham of the "Media Research Center"
5. FoF Prayer Vigils for Children in Foster Care
Comments from :-
a) Scott Hosenbaugh a "Show Hope" spokesman
Family News In Focus - Comment Analysis 4/28/09
Comments from :-
a) David Miller of "Citizens for Community Values"
b) Daniel Weiss of FoFA
2. Marie Ann Glenden
Comments from :-
a) Deacon Keith Fournier of "Catholic Online"
b) Thomas Peete of "American Papist Blog"
c) Susan Forney of the "Catholic League"
3. Adopting from the Foster Care System
Comments from :-
a) Cora Nuckels an adopter
b) Sharon Ford of the "Department of Human Resources CO"
c) Kellie Rissotie of "FoF's Adoption Service"
4. Pro-Life License Plates
Comments from :-
a) Russ Amerling of "Choose Life Inc"
5. NARAL vs Abstinence Education
Comments from :-
a) Valarie Huber of "National Abstinence Education Association"
Monday, April 27, 2009
Family News In Focus - Comment Analysis 4/27/09
Comments from :-
a) Derrick McCoy a "Coordinator"
2. Christians as Right Wing Extremists
Comments from :-
a) Gary "the Dwarf" Bauer of "American Values"
b) Dr Janice Krauss of "Concerned Women For America"
3. Governor Sibelius
Comments from :-
a) Judy Smith of "Concerned Women for America of Kansas"
b) Marjorie Denithauser of the "Susan B Anthony List"
4. FRC Honors Phyllis Schlafly
Comments from :-
a) Connie McKay of the FRC
5, FoF Marriage Simulcast ( NOT NEWS THEN )
Clip of :-
a) Beth Moore of Living Proof Ministries
Comment from :-
b) Jenny Tiree of FoFA ( I think she's going to be a big winner soon )
Friday, April 24, 2009
Family News In Focus - Comment Analysis 4/24/09
Comments from :-
a) Douglas Napir of the "Alliance Defense Fund"
b) Brian English of the "Iowa Family Policy Center"
2. Dave Ramsey Puff Piece
All you hear is Dave yakking his usual schtick.
3. Plan B over-the-counter sales
Comments from :-
a) "Doctor" David Hagar of the "Physicians Resource Council"
b) Wendy Wright of "Concerned Women for America"
4. Clarksville Indiana Sex Shop Protests
Comments from :-
a) Brian Wikkins of "Reclaim Our Culture Kentuckiana"
5. Wisconsin School Graduations to be held in a Church
Comments from :-
a) Jeleanne Appling of the "Wisconsin Family Council"
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Family News In Focus - Comment Analysis 4/23/09
Comments from :-
a) Jethro Highcoe of "Casino Pree Philadelphia"
b) Diane Berlin of "Casino Free PA"
2. Craigslist
Comments from :-
a) Lisa Thompson of the "Salvation Army National HQ"
b) Linda Smith of "Shared Hope International"
3. Importance of Grandparents
Comments from :-
a) Gavin Harper of the, get ready for this, "Christian Grandparenting Network"
4. Georgetown University amd Joe Biden
Comments from :-
a) Patrick Riley of the "Cardinal Neumann Society"
5. Sexting
Comments from :-
a) Daniel Weiss of FoFA
Family News In Focus - Comment Analysis 4/22/09
Comments from :-
a) Donald Trump
b) Carrie Prejean ( for it is she ) with Matt Lauer*
c) Perez Hilton ( an idiot ) also with Matt Lauer*
d) Jessica Hedley a "former pageant contestant"
* Clips from the Today Show
2. Day of Silence
Comments from :-
a) Karen England of the "Capital Resource Institute"
b) Randy Thomas of "Exodus International", a de-gaying "ministry"
3. Online Casinos
Comments from :-
a) John Kent of the University of Illinois. Him AGAIN?
b) Mark Andres of "Casino Watch"
c) Jime Leech a "former Congressman"
4. Praying on a School Campus
Comments from :-
a) Brad Daykus of the "Pacific Justice Union"
5. The Pulpit Initiative Debate"
Comments from :-
a) Benjamin Ball of the "Alliance Defense Fund"
Family News In Focus - Comment Analysis 4/21/09
Comments from :-
a) Douglas Genteel a "lead researcher"
b) Bob Waliszewski of Pluggedinonline ( FoF really )
c) Kurt Bruner author of "Playstation Nation"
2. Dave Ramsey ( a puff piece ) DEFINITELY NOT "NEWS"
Comments from :-
a) The idiot himself
b. Katie Humberson a sheep "in the crowd"
c) Lucille Dawsey "a grandma" and also a sheep.
3. Porn in Montana
Comments from :-
a) David Miller of "Citizens for Community Values"
Family News In Focus - Comment Analysis 4/20/09
1. National Day Of Prayer Flights
Comments from :-
a) Jerry Kress from "Prayer Flight"
b) Patrick Carlyle a pilot.
2. Indiana School Choice
Comments from :-
a) Jeff Grantly of "School Choice Indiana"
3. US International Gambling Report
Comments from :-
a) John Kent of the University of Illinois. Looks like a tame Professor they always go to for an anti-gambling comment.
4. Becoming Politically Active
Comments from :-
a) Ashley Horne of FoFA
Friday, April 17, 2009
Family News In Focus - Comment Analysis 4/17/09

So let's talk about Jimmy Dobson's appearance on the Hannity TV show and the spin put on what he said by this mouthpiece Mr Gary Schneeberger.
Dobson did indeed say ""We are awash in evil and the battle is still to be waged. We are right now in the most discouraging period of that long conflict. Humanly speaking, we can say we have lost all those battles."
He did go on to say that he still puts his trust in Jesus to make it all better. But there is no denying he said "We lost all the battles" - even if completely contradictorily earlier, he ( Dobson ), said that FoF had some successes in its campaigns.
Schneeberger tried to spin "we have lost all those battles" as "we lost some points in the last election". What a liar.
So even though Jimmy Dobson is putting his trust in the Lord to come through in the end, I will repeat myself and remind you once again that he did say "We lost ALL the battles". You can't parse "all" to be "some in the last election cycle".
Schneeberger also blamed "the left wing media" for quoting Dobson out of context and he stated that the story originated in the Daily Telegraph in the UK. What he didn't say is that the Daily Telegrapgh is the most right wing quality newspaper in Britain and it is a natural ally of all James Dobson holds dear. So really, this isn't a "quoting out of context" issue at all. It's quoting something stupid that he really said.
The best thing was Dobson justifying himself on Hannity with something like "this wasn't a press release. This was me addressing the FoF staff" as if he had said these things in one venue and not the other, the words would somehow have different meanings?
The fact that this story came out shows really it is time for Dobson to go. How many times in the election were comments from candidates ( "clinging to religion and guns" ) made public when spoken in front of supposedly closed friendly audiences? Did James Dobson learn nothing from Obama?
And finally we come to the true reason he said what he said.
He was having a little "Pity Party" about stepping down at Focus and he wanted his ego stroked by the audience. "No, not true Doctor, you did GOOD things. You showed those gays where the closet is. Don't beat yourself up. We love you Doctor".
That's what we did it for - Pitiful Adulation. And the words got out and came back to bite him.
End of Story.
Family News In Focus - Comment Analysis 4/16/09
Comments from :-
a) Gary Schneeberger of FoFA
2. Gambling in MA
Comments from :-
a) Chris Minno of "MA Family Institute"
b) John Kent a "University of Illinois Professor"
3. Catholic Adoption Agencies in the UK
Comments from :-
a) Reverend Jim Richards of the "Catholic Children's Society"
b) Matt Barber of the "Liberty Council"
4. What Makes The Economy Grow?
Comments from :-
a) Jay Richards of the "Heritage Foundation"
5. Yet Another Piece on Gay Marriage
Comments from :-
a) Jenny Tiree of FoFA
Family News In Focus - Comment Analysis 4/15/09
1. Adult Stem Cells I
Comments from :-
a) Wesley J Smith of the "Discovery Institute" Yes, THOSE charlatans.
b) Dawn Vargo of FoFA
2. Funding Gay University Club
Comments from :-
a) David Williams a "Student Body President"
b) Carrie Gordon Earll of FoFA
3. Adult Stem Cells II
Comments from :-
a) David Prentiss of FRC
4. Malaria Nets in Africa
Comments from :-
a) Jordon Foxworthy
b) Mark Hannlin of "Compassion International"
5. Love Won Out Ad Banned ( what was missing yesterday !! )
Comments from :-
a) Gary Schneeberger of FoF
b) Jeff Johnstone "FoF pet ex-gay"
6. ( puff piece for an FoF website )
Comments from :-
a) Tom Benyano "opened a chapter in Fairfax County VA"
b) Candy Cushmann of FoFA
c) Josh Bollenger of the "Alliance Defense Fund"
7. Kids "Risky" Behavior
Comments from :-
a) Rob Jackson a "Counsellor"
b) Steve Earle an "Author". Alas, not THE Steve Earle.
8. Vermont Law on Sexting
Comments from :-
a) Cynthia Logan "whose daughter commited suicide"
b) David Weiss of FoFA
9. Justice Ginsberg - She's quoting "Foreign Laws" again mommy!
Comments from :-
a) Ed Waylon of "Ethics in Public Policy Center"
b) Kurt Levey of the "Commitee for Justice"
Family News In Focus - Comment Analysis 4/14/09
1. Abortion Clinic Closure in Oakland CA
Comments from :-
a) David Whitaker of the "Pregnancy Medical Clinic" in Union City CA
b) Day Gardener of the "National Black Pro-Life Union"
2. Planned Parenthood Annual Report
Comments from :-
a) Wendy Wright, President of "Concerned Women for America"
b) Joy Yearout of the "Susan B Anthony List"
c) Jenn Jerew of "Women Influencing the Nation"
3. Slots in Valley Forge
Comments from :-
a) Diane Berlin of "Casino Free PA"
4. Marriage in Rhode Island
Comments from :-
a) Jenny Tiree of FoFA
All day, the link of the broadcast was to a story about "Bias Against Christian Ad", but that story never played.
Oh dear.
Family News In Focus - Comment Analysis 4/13/09
Comments from :-
a) David Whitaker of the "Pregnancy Medical Clinic" in Union City CA
b) Day Gardener of the "National Black Pro-Life Union"
2. Planned Parenthood Annual Report
Comments from :-
a) Wendy Wright, President of "Concerned Women for America"
b) Joy Yearout of the "Susan B Anthony List"
c) Jenn Jerew of "Women Influencing the Nation"
3. Slots in Valley Forge
Comments from :-
a) Diane Berlin of "Casino Free PA"
Friday, April 10, 2009
Family News In Focus - Comment Analysis 4/10/09
And so we come to Good Friday, where the daily broadcast was real late in hitting the websites. But better late than nothing to monitor I guess.
1. Student Expelled frm Eastern Michigan University Counselling Program.
( Hint: She hates The Gays )
Comments from :-
a) Julia Ward the expelled "counsellor" herself.
b) Pam Young a spokesperson explaining the University's diversity policy
c) Jeremy Tedesco of the "Alliance Defense Fund" So Ms Ward's lawyer.
2. Are there "benefits" from the current economy?
Yes there really was no news today because....
Comments were from :-
a) Dr Laura. Comments lifted just straight out of the FoF daily broadcasts from earlier this week.
So there's a thing, the "news" is your own FoF programming. Brilliant!
I think Jim Daly has found a way to get costs at Focus under control.
3. Easter Celebration
Comments from :-
a) H. B. London FoF "Head of Church and Clergy"
So now "news" is your own employee saying "Happy Easter"? WTF?
Family News In Focus - Comment Analysis 4/9/09
Comments from :-
a) Dr Micheal Brown with the "Coalition Of Conscience"
b) Susan Fawnee of the "Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights"
2. National Organization for Marriage Ads
Comments from :-
a) Maggie Gallagher, President of NofM
b) Jenny Tiree of FoFA
3. Elimination of the Invocation at University of Maryland
Comments from :-
a) Jay Sekulo of the ACLJ
b) Matt Staver, Chairman of "Liberty Council"
c) Brad Daykis of the "Pacific Justice Institute
4. Abortion
Comments from :-
a) Saron Foster, President of "Feminists for Life"
5. Gay Student Housing at Texas Christian University
Comments from :-
a) Jeff Johnstone of FoF
Wednesday, April 08, 2009
Family News In Focus - Comment Analysis 4/8/09
1. Vermont allows Same Sex Marriage.
Comments from :-
a) Steven Cable of "Vermont Renewal"
b) Bill Spencer of FoFA
2. Internet Gambling
Comments from :-
a) Chad Hills of FoFA
b) Dr Guy Clarke of "Stop Predatory Gambling"
3. Rescinding Conscience Protection for Medical Workers
WHAT AGAIN? I told you so.
Comments from:-
a) Wendy Wright of "Concerned Women for America"
4. Red Envelope Campaign
Comments from :-
a) Chris Otto described as the "Project Founder"
I sent a white envelope representing the three times more children lost to SPONTANEOUS ABORTION.
5. Montana Physician Assisted Suicide
Comments from :-
a) Bill Tofler of "Physicians for Compassionate Care"
Heck, is there any other kind dume-ass?
Family News In Focus - Comment Analysis 4/7/09
1. Gay Marriage in Iowa
Comments from :-
a) Doug Napir of the "Alliance Defense Fund"
b) Bruce Hausknecht from FoFA
2. Showing Pirates II on College Campuses
Comments from :-
Pat Truman a "Former Justice Department Lawyer"
Andy Fell of UC Davis
3. Love Won Out De-Gaying Conferences
Comments from :-
a) Mike Geyky who used to suffer from "same sex attraction", an ex-gay.
b) Melissa Fryrear a conference "keynote speaker"
Amd then we had the NEW stuff :-
4. Rescinding Conscience Rights for Medical Workers
Comments from :-
a) Deidre McQuade of the "US Conference of Catholic Bishops".
Er..a WOMAN??
Isn't this a second bite at this cherry? Keep reading, they'll
flog this horse some more before the month is over. Trust me.
5. April is Abortion Recovery Awareness Month - in Tex-ass
Comments from :-
a) Hiram Sassa of the "Libery Legal Institute"
6. School Choice Survey
Comments from :-
a) Virginia Walden-Ford of "DC Parents for School Choice"
b) Andrew Campanella of the "Alliance for School Choice"
7. Iowa Justices say "mothers and fathers are a stereotype"
Comments from :-
a) Jenny Tiree of FoFA
8. Defeat for Illinois FoCA
Comments from :-
a) Eric Scheidler of the "Pro-life Action League"
9. California "Gender Identity" law
Comments from :-
a) Robert Tyler of "Advocates for Faith and Freedom"
10. North Dakota Same Sex Attraction Bill
Comments from :-
a) Tom Fryer of the "North Dakota Family Alliance"
Family News In Focus - Comment Analysis 4/6/09
1. Gay Marriage in Iowa
Comments from :-
a) Doug Napir of the "Alliance Defense Fund"
b) Bruce Hausknecht from FoFA
2. Showing Pirates II on College Campuses*
Comments from :-
a) Pat Truman a "Former Justice Department Lawyer"
b) Andy Fell of UC Davis
3. Love Won Out De-Gaying Conferences
Comments from :-
a) Mike Geyky who used to suffer from "same sex attraction". So an ex-gay.
b) Melissa Fryrear a conference "keynote speaker"
Yes for a de-gaying conference from Focus on the Family, the keynote speaker is called "Fry Rear". You can't make this stuff up.
*A few notes on the Pirates II story.
It was very noticeable that they ( Family News In Focus ) would not say the name of the movie or that it was produced by Digital Playground. All they would say was that it was a "parody of Pirates of the Carribean" and that it was made my a Southern California production company. That would be DIGITAL PLAYGROUND in case you missed that before.
The piece then became even more bizarre. Family News in Focus said it was they who had ratted out UC Davis to the authorities about the "public" showing of Pirates II from Digital Playground. Then Mr Truman said what they wanted was for the cops to simply enforce the law. Then Mr Fell said porn was not illegal and that the UC Davis PD had told them that they were not violating the law. In fact Lt Matt Carmicheal of the UC Davis PD was quoted as saying that they "had followed the letter of the law."
And then the piece ended with Mr Truman saying that he was happy with UC Davis PD's response!!
So when the dust had settled what was this story about? Nothing happened at UC Davis and the quoted anti-porn advocates were happy with that outcome. Of course the movie was withdrawn from being shown at the University of Maryland where a threatened removal of state funding quickly achieved Focus' desired censorship goal. No-one commented directly on that case. Strange they should have concentrated on the campus where they effectively lost their case?
Friday, April 03, 2009
Family News In Focus - Comment Analysis 4/3/09
1. Gays In The Military
Comments from :-
a) Lt Colonel ( Rtd ) Bob McGiness ( my emphasis on RETIRED )
b) Elaine Donnely of the "Center for Military Readiness"
c) Peter Spring of the "Family Research Council" ( another Dobsonian front )
2. Kansas High School vs The National Education Association
Comments from :-
a) Gary Sigell a "track and field coach"
b) Tracey Bailet, spokesman for the "Association of American Educators"
3. Pro-life order in Congress
Comments from :-
a) Representative Stephen King
b) Representative Chris Smith
4. Rescinding Medical Conscience Regulations
Comments from :-
a) Justin Aquilla of the "Susan B. Anthony List"
5. Adult Stem Cell Trials
Comments from :-
a) Dawn Vargo another Focus Of The Family Action ( FoFA ) stooge and from listening to her irritating voice, a Valley Girl.
At least with the last item, they didn't end with the standard lie that Adult Stem Cells are currently used in over 70 cures or treatments.
Family News In Focus - Comment Analysis 4/2/09
1. New York State Court cases on Single Sex Marriage
Comments from :-
a) Brian Rolme of the "Alliance Defense Fund"
b) Jason McGuire of "New Yorkers for Constitutional Freedom"
2. Effects of the Recession
Comments from :-
a) Ron Blue of "Kingdom Advisors"
b) Todd Cohen, publisher of "The Philanthropy Journal"
c) Dan Busby, presient of the "Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability"
3. Casino in Arizona
Comments from :-
a) Deborah Shesby of the "Center for Arizona Policy"
b) Diane Berlin of the "National Coalition Against Legalized Gambling"
4. First Amendment in San Diego
Comments from :-
a) Robert Tyler of "Advocates for Faith and Freedom"
5. Pro-life float banned at the Tulip Time Festival
Comments from :-
a) Carol Brower of "Right To Life Michigan"
Family News In Focus - Comment Analysis 4/1/09
1. I am NOT in favor of the return of the Fairness Doctrine. With the fragmentation of today's radio markets, it is just not going to happen - no matter how much right wing blowhards try to tell us different.
2. I am in favor of honest reporting. So to this end, I have decided to listen to every Family News In Focus broadcast for the month of April and just to note down all the names of the people and organizations that comment in their daily stories. I have excluded their own reporters because (a) the same names will turn up all the time and (b) I think that by definition of where they work, they already have an agenda.
I will listen to the broadcast on the web site as well as to the link to the Focus On The Family daily broadcast page. These are usually the same, but at least on April 1st, they were different. Perhaps I got some March 31st stories too.
So here goes for April 1st 2009....
1. Anti-Planned Parenthood
Comments from :-
a) Kristin Hawkins of "Students For Life"
2. Research that Abortion Harms Women
Comments from :-
a) Priscilla Coleman - "author of one such study"
b) Carrie Gordon Earll - Focus On The Family Action ( FoFA )
3. Pro-Adoption
Comments from :-
a) Kurt and Margret Berky - Adopting Parents "Of course as a kid he is better of because he is going to church now"
4. Canadian Polygamy Court Case
Comments from :-
a) Winston Blackstone - THE POLYGAMIST !!
b) Dave Quist of "The Institute for Marriage and Family Canada"
c) Bruce Hausknecht of FoFA ( Natch. This one is going to be a trend )
5. Brain Research - Pictures Objectifying Women
Comments from :-
a)"Doctor" David Stevens of "The Christian Medical and Dental Association"
b) Daniel Weiss of FoFA ( Surprise !! )
6. Adults Only Websites
Comments from :-
a) Bob Peters president of "Morality in Media"
b) Rick Shots of "The National Coalition for the Protection Of Children and Families"
7. Effects of Abortion
Hey, isn't this two bites at the cherry? See item # 2
Comments from :-
a) Doctor Priscilla Coleman ( again ) described as a "lead researcher" - whatever that it.
b) Catherine Coils of "The Alliance for Post Abortion Research and Training" - APART? How twee.
By my reckoning that's one person with a contrary view to the "report" being heard - step forward Mr Winston you raving polygamist you.
So how can this be "news" when I have no context in which to decide if the speakers are mainstream or just Dobsonian stooges?