Below is my response to a letter left on the Times Union of Albany NY website by someone called Monica Marti who stated she was a "Manager Media and Public Relations" at Focus On The Family.
Dear Ms Marti,
I am writing to you regarding your letter to the website of 12/14/08.
It doesn't matter for how many years "Dobson's radio broadcast has been
'helping' millions of families...." ( your quote ), the problem is when
Dobson goes off on one of his anti-gay marriage rants, his homophobic
attitudes are reinforced in the minds of his "followers". And as a
"psychologist", I am sure that that is his covert intention.
You can't cite "good works" as the sign of someone's veracity and trustworthiness.
You have to look at their deceitfulness and mendacity. And James
Dobson exhibits quite enough of those two qualities each year for us
to know that he is indeed a homophobe.
We go by his deeds not by his folksy schtick.
And he is such a liar too. Ask him who won the Battle Of Franklin.
Ask him to explain the Anthrophic Principle again. Ask him to explain
why Elizabeth Dole is such a godly woman when she ran one of the most
hateful campaigns of the last election.
James Dobson is a dangerous ignorant buffoon.