As I have previously blogged, in these programs Dobson keeps saying how interested he is in in the Civil War and how he considers himself a "Civil War buff". So in effect he is setting himself up as someone who probably knows more about it than say, Joe Six-Pack or this made up "Fred" guy, who they say supports Doctor and his legions of darkness.
So, he sets himself up for his own fall because, in a towering display of not knowing his musket from his balls, "Doctor" says to the historian at the Franklin site, "This was a victory for the Union forces" and that my friend ain't so.
The Historian had to correct the Expert by saying that in ANY Civil War battle, the victor is judged to be the side that held the field when the opponents withdrew.
And of course in the case of the Battle of Franklin, that side was THE CONFEDERACY.
Amazing. James Dobson knows nothing about stuff he personally studies for a hobby. Makes you think about what he really knows about his "academic field".
But that's not the kicker. What this complete reversal of understanding about who won and who lost and who eventually won and who eventually lost seems to be is, a perfect metaphor for the whole Gay Marriage Debate.
In the Battle of Franklin, the Confederacy won, but in reality they took such huge losses there that it was the beginning of their defeat. And so with Prop 8 in California and Amendment 2 here in Florida. The Focus on the Family types won the day in November 2008, but time and demographics are against them. When Dobson is gone and groups like Focus On The Family are again marginalized politically, then there will be new Amendments and gay marriage will be legal everywhere and then this whole non-issue will be OVER.
Battle of Franklin - 1864
Focus On the Family contributions for 2008 - down $5 million
James Dobson's ignorance - Priceless