This blog is about a former Englishman, now an American citizen and his clashes with American popular culture with an emphasis on religion's deleterious effects. Unless you live here, it is very hard to understand religion's pernicious grip - especially in the political arena.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
The Theocratic Cat is out of the Constitutional Bag
On Friday December 19th on the "Vocal Point" program "Doctor" Gary Cass of an organization called "The Christian Anti-Defamation Commission" uttered the following statement that needs to be heard throughout this great country :-
"The Church is the Secret Government of the World"
Let me repeat that because it sounds pretty freaking significant.....
"The Church is the Secret Government of the World"
Seems to me that this statement is directly in conflict with the Constitution, which let me remind you, is the highest law in these United States.
The presenter of the program was audibly gobsmacked by this zinger and he and "Doctor" Cass had to back peddle like crazy to try to put this Pro-Theocracy Cat back in the Constitutional Bag.
And guess what?
They failed.
Have we finally heard out in the open, the Christian Right's true goal for this country?
"The Church is the Secret Government of the World"
If "Doctor" Cass is in any way working towards this "Secret Government" goal, then he is conspiring to pervert the US Constitution and he should suffer the consequences of that.
Response to a Focus On The Family Drone
Dear Ms Marti,
I am writing to you regarding your letter to the website of 12/14/08.
It doesn't matter for how many years "Dobson's radio broadcast has been
'helping' millions of families...." ( your quote ), the problem is when
Dobson goes off on one of his anti-gay marriage rants, his homophobic
attitudes are reinforced in the minds of his "followers". And as a
"psychologist", I am sure that that is his covert intention.
You can't cite "good works" as the sign of someone's veracity and trustworthiness.
You have to look at their deceitfulness and mendacity. And James
Dobson exhibits quite enough of those two qualities each year for us
to know that he is indeed a homophobe.
We go by his deeds not by his folksy schtick.
And he is such a liar too. Ask him who won the Battle Of Franklin.
Ask him to explain the Anthrophic Principle again. Ask him to explain
why Elizabeth Dole is such a godly woman when she ran one of the most
hateful campaigns of the last election.
James Dobson is a dangerous ignorant buffoon.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
After Further Review....

As I have previously blogged, in these programs Dobson keeps saying how interested he is in in the Civil War and how he considers himself a "Civil War buff". So in effect he is setting himself up as someone who probably knows more about it than say, Joe Six-Pack or this made up "Fred" guy, who they say supports Doctor and his legions of darkness.
So, he sets himself up for his own fall because, in a towering display of not knowing his musket from his balls, "Doctor" says to the historian at the Franklin site, "This was a victory for the Union forces" and that my friend ain't so.
The Historian had to correct the Expert by saying that in ANY Civil War battle, the victor is judged to be the side that held the field when the opponents withdrew.
And of course in the case of the Battle of Franklin, that side was THE CONFEDERACY.
Amazing. James Dobson knows nothing about stuff he personally studies for a hobby. Makes you think about what he really knows about his "academic field".
But that's not the kicker. What this complete reversal of understanding about who won and who lost and who eventually won and who eventually lost seems to be is, a perfect metaphor for the whole Gay Marriage Debate.
In the Battle of Franklin, the Confederacy won, but in reality they took such huge losses there that it was the beginning of their defeat. And so with Prop 8 in California and Amendment 2 here in Florida. The Focus on the Family types won the day in November 2008, but time and demographics are against them. When Dobson is gone and groups like Focus On The Family are again marginalized politically, then there will be new Amendments and gay marriage will be legal everywhere and then this whole non-issue will be OVER.
Battle of Franklin - 1864
Focus On the Family contributions for 2008 - down $5 million
James Dobson's ignorance - Priceless
Sunday, December 07, 2008
Lies Focus On The Family Told Me

I've been trawling the Focus on the Family web site listening to past broadcasts and I came across as pair of doozies from September 15th and 16th 2008.
The two part program was called ( very disingenuously ), "A Father's Commitment To Purity" and was about a guy ( Randy Wilson ), who is the instigator of a nationwide phenomenon called "Purity Balls" and about his putting his daughters through public humiliation in a vain attempt to keep them "pure" for their husbands.
But really, these programs were about this man's purient interest in the sex lives of of his own daughters. Eeeew!
The programs should have be called "A Father's Unhealthy Interest in His Daughter's Purity".
I defy you to listen to these recordings and not feel the need to shower afterwards.
Anyways, right at the start of these very scary programs Randy Wilson authoritatively says that in the book of Proverbs it says "Our brides are a gift from God".
But that's how this works isn't it? Lie, but do it with conviction.
Why was I not surprised to learn that Mr Wilson used to work for Focus On The Family, the home of Biblical mendacity? And now he is the "National Field Director for Church Ministries for the Family Research Council" - so he's still lying for Jesus for a living then.
Saturday, December 06, 2008
Best Week Ever On Focus On The Family
December 1st and 2nd's radio programs were both, for want of a better term, "holiday recordings" of "Doctor" Dobson's taken at the site of the Civil War Battle of Franklin in Tennessee. Apparently the good doctor has been in Tennessee still writing his opus "Bringing Up Girls", but he still had some time to go out and record personal jaunts like this one.
One of the things I love about Dobson, almost as much as the "tsk tsking" and the sighing to show us his sympathy ON MATTERS THAT ARE FREAKING OBVIOUS is when he ventures into areas about which he knows diddly squat and then falls flat on his overly pious behind.
In the case of this week's programs from Tennessee, he produced two classic howlers, even after he had informed us that he was a "Civil War buff".
1. He didn't know when the Battle of Shiloh was - he thought it was AFTER the Battle of Franklin.
2. He kept referring to the Battle of Franklin as the "Gettysburg Of The West" when really it was known as the "Pickett's Charge of the West".
But of course Dobson lies with such authority that I'm sure many people must miss that what he says is just plain wrong.
For the record, The Battle of Shiloh was fought on April 6th and 7th 1862. The Battle of Franklin was November 30th 1864.
The "Gettysburg of the West" was The Battle of Glorieta Pass - as any Google user can find out.
What was also interesting was Dobson's admission that because he is distantly related to General Lee ( he was called "Lee" as a child ), if he had been alive at the time of the Civil War, he would probably would have been fighting for the Confederacy. I'm thinking that's a piece of biography you might want to keep to yourself there Doc.
Anyways, if Monday and Tuesday weren't full of enough nutty goodness, we then came to Wednesday and a program devoted to hand wringing and lamenting the job cuts at the Focus On The Family campus/gulag in Colorado Springs. Doctor was in fine form, taking no responsibility for anything and not realizing that perhaps the $5 million shortfall at the "ministry" might be because Jesus is not pleased with how Focus has been using "the Lord's resources". $590k to defeat Prop 8? Not wise spending there in tough economic times.
The program was GREAT, with Dobson saying he "loved" the people he was kicking in the teeth and that some had been with him for 20 years and oh yes, some of them "will have difficulty finding another job". And a Merry Christmas to you to Doctor. 20% gone, 80% left.....
I wonder how much money that he could have gotten for FoF went to Focus On The Family Action for all its machinations during the past political season? It would be kind of ironic if FoF as a "ministry" becomes economically unglued because of the monies that were syphoned to FoF Action.
And on Thursday? Somewhat unprecedentedly they repeated Wednesday's program because "due some technical difficulties", not all the FoF listeners had gotten to hear Doctor in full on sackcloth and ashes mode. The program was just as funny the second time around. The man is almost a definition of insincerity. It oozes off him - like slime of a slug.
And the week was rounded off with an old program about that "great patriot" and trampler of the Constitution, Colonel Oliver "All I can get is a gig on Fox News" North.
I swear the people at Focus on the Family must have a mandatory irony bypass before they can work there. It's the only explanation.
OMG. But these sisters - Alyssa, Becca and Lauren - CAN'T SING AT ALL.
All I could think of as I heard them butcher this classic song was how much better it would be if it was sung by someone who has talent in the singing department - someone like Jennifer Hudson for example.
How the heck did these talentless wannabes ever get a record contract?