So the Big GOP clown car careened into Ohio today and as full to the brim as it is with wannabes, never-will-bes and nobodies, I think Chris Christie leaned against a door just a tad and it eased open by the thinnest crack allowing the boyish-faced John Kasich to run up and say "Room for one more"?
John Kasich is a good candidate because he's a Governor. This potentially gives him some leverage to bash Congress. You know the thing: "I'm a Washington outsider. I can get things done. I have Executive Experience".
But a man with NINE TERMS in Congress should be no-one's idea of an outsider.
And if he insists on playing the outsider card, his opponents need to call him out on it every single time he says it.
And the other negative? No-one knows who he is nationally.
He's like George Pataki but with better hair.