So it has been more than three months since Chuck "The Felon" Colson popped his clogs so I think it is time to again look at the Manhattan Declaration - Chuck's "enduring legacy" in the very tiny minds of people who do not understand what the word "enduring" means.
OK. The calculation will be as before. I'm assuming the US has a population of 320 million and only adults might be signing this "Christian Manifesto" - which I take to be 50% of the population.
OK. Today on August 4th 2012, a total of 531,508 people have signed the Manhattan Declaration.
Based on 160 million potential signatories, that number represents a mere 0.332% of the people in these United States.
By ANY discernible criteria we might use, this tells us that The Manhattan Declaration has been and continues to be, an Utter and Abject Failure.