This is GOP "logic" ( and I use the term in its most ironic sense ), "We have to get rid of Obamacare by getting rid of President Obama.".
This statement comes from a party whose nominee for the Presidency introduced almost an identical system in his state when he was Governor. In fact his plan also has a penalty for not purchasing health insurance. But now he is against Obamacare and he hates the individual mandate? His own policy? His own law?
How can he say these things with a straight face?
And "We must repeal Obamacare and replace it with sensible healthcare reform". Who in their right mind thinks that is going to happen? If the GOP wanted healthcare reform they would have proposed legistlation a long time ago. But of course they don't ( and will not now ) because they are only interetsed in preserving the status quo. Just look how many GOP types can't even agree with the President when he says that a family should not be one illness away for bankruptcy.
These guys wouldn't agree with him if the President said "Ice is cold and fire is hot."
And you want to replace a man who is at least doing something with a suit who will do absolutely nothing about healtcare reform? Really that's your answer? Scrap everything and then have a commission to investigate healthcare reform and then after two or three years eventually do nothing?
Can anyone say "Simpson-Bowles all over again. And again. And again to the end of time"?
Mark my words that will be the "Romney Healthcare Initiative".
And talking about getting things done.....
If the GOP was serious about jobs being the number one issue to address, they wouldn't be having fucking meaningless contempt of Congress hearings for the Attorney General and then wasting legistlative time with pointless votes to repeal healthcare reform simply to pander to the loons in the Tea Party.
Pandering gets you re-elected, but it never saves a country from ruin. Sometimes you have to do the unpopular thing. These guys should ask the President why it is always better to do the right thing than to bend to the whims of a vocal minority within your party's base.
Saving the country should always take precedence over saving your own job in Washington.
But the GOP don't want to get anything done. What they want to do from now until November is stick it to the President and to hell with jobs, healthcare, education or the environment. Or really to hell with anything right now.
This is going to be five months of shitting on the country for political gain.
What a joke.
And if Romney picks Eric Cantor for VP it will only get 1000% more ugly and partisan than it is now.