Sunday, November 27, 2011


Is anyone else out there kind of uneasy that a non-profit 501(c)(3) "ministry" like "Focus On The Family" is trademarking the expression "Helping Families Thrive" (TM)?

For a "ministry" ( and I use that term in the law's loosest sense ), doesn't it seem rather....unseemly?

Sort of "God and Mammon" or "Jesus and the Moneychangers" unseemly?

So I think we should ask Jim Daly (above), what is the true slogan of his company? Perhaps what he really should be using is "Business before Belief" or "Money before Morals" or "Lucre before Love"?

I've got it: "Helping Ourselves To Your Finances".

Really I guess they could change the name of the whole money grubbing organization to "Finance Not Families". Then I guess at least we might see some Truth in Advertising".

But I guess I should not have expected more from the organization with its own the gulag in Colorado Springs because what they have forgotten about Christian charity is more than the world will ever know.