I've been thinking recently about stuff that bugs me about American politics. And no, it's not about Fox News having no discernible "News" in it or why the cable "news" outlets always interview the same people over and over and over again - no, not the obvious stuff.
What's been bugging me is demonization of political opponents. If you will, the creation of the Political Bogeyman. Or in the case of MSNBC, Political Bogey Brothers.
Rachel Maddow and the lefties at MSNBC do it using the Koch brothers. Fox News and the blowhards of talk radio do it with George Soros. And for the the sake of serious political debate it has really got to stop.
So the Koch bothers have an agenda? What Lassie? They fund astroturfing sites masquerading as grassroots organizations? I'm shocked! Nay, outraged!
But actually, no I'm not. I'm saddened because we can now target individual people and scapegoat them as the cause of our country's, or our own personal misfortunes. "These are the guys. These two guys who are secretly rigging the deck against me". No. They are simply rich people who have a desire to remain that way. And they have influence while I don't? Excuse me while I cry into my Wheaties.
And Fox is no better with Soros. "The Billionaire Socialist" who funds Media Matters? ( Which he doesn't ). They are saying just what Rachel is saying on MSNBC. They are pointing to a citizen who's operating perfectly legitimately within our political system and they are saying to their sheeple "This is the guy who you can legitimately blame for everything bad that's happening to you."
Here's a suggestion for you - When this demonization is next happening on your TV set, replace the name "George Soros" with the word "Jew" or "Koch Brothers" with "Jews" and tell me what the taste in your mouth is.
Because I think it's hate and self pity together and we need to tell the media to cut it out.