Yes, ladies and gentlemen, the time has finally come to address a issue that truly frosts this humble correspondent's nads.
I am of course, referring to radio preachers who say "C'mon now" and "Are you still out there?" when preaching their most heretical loopiness before a live audience.
The two most egregious charlatans who keep on doing this on my radio are Charles Capps and Joyce Meyer.

They say these things when they realize they gave gone too far in their latest Biblical distortions and they want the reassurance that they still have the audience in the palms of their grossly manipulative hands.
Charles Capps in particular likes to say stuff like "Don't worry. This will all work out" before he goes on to expound his "teachings" that are so contrary to anything Jesus had to say, that they are in fact simply, lies.
And while we are at this, Joyce, what the heck is a "Practical Bible Teacher"?
Clearly not a pastor or any kind of orthodox ordained minister. This woman has no insight and brings no Biblical revelation. She's just a "conference speaker", telling bad jokes and dropping the baby Jesus' name every now and again.
And the audiences for both of these people laugh nervously because though they want to believe, what they really want is to not look like fools duped by the likes of these people.
C'mon now!