Sunday, August 16, 2009

Truth In Advertising

Today on one of my C-SPAN channels, Fox news shill Monica Crowley was interviewing an "author", Brian Jennings who has written a book about the supposed coming censorship of talk radio.

She finally got around to asking if the Obama administration would out and out reintroduce the Fairness Doctrine" or bring it back in some sneakier form and Mr Jennings response was ( and I kid you not ) :-

"If they do, then they can expect a tea party that is incredulous".


Yes. "Incredulous". As in :-

Incredulous: Adjective: unwilling to admit or accept what is offered as true.

Now a tea party is just an event. In and of itself, it can't be incredulous. The people participating might be, but if the doctrine was reintroduced even they have to accept what is being offered is true, otherwise why protest?

So Mr Jennings gets the quotation remarks around "author" because he doesn't know "incredulous" from "incredible".

What a sad sack Mr Jennings really is.