Today on CNN former Vice President Cheney said he thought we are now less safe under the policies of President Obama than we were previously. This is a pet mantra of Republicans, but I think it is time to call them out on it.
Wasn't this a country built at least in part on the phrase "Give me Liberty or give me Death"?
Now the liberties we have lost in the last eight years may indeed have made us safer, but the correct response to the statement of the former Vice President is "so what?" As Americans we should care more for Liberty than our personal safety - otherwise people like Patrick Henry have become irrelevant and we have failed to both uphold and live up to the very great ideals that founded this great nation.
Of course, Republicans will now say we haven't lost any liberties, But, what do you call the "sneak and peak" provisions of the Patriot Act? I call them unconstitutional.
This whole "more safe vs less safe" argument is completely bogus and those that use it lessen what it means to be an American. And they use it because they want us to be afraid.