On the Family News in Focus broadcast of Tuesday February 10th 2009, a woman named Joann Condie who was simply identified as a "Christian Counsellor" uttered a statement of such shattering mendacity that I had to look up the harpie on the Google.....
And guess what? Yep, she works at Focus on the Family. She's nothing but a Dobsonian stooge.
Family News in Focus is James Dobson's daily dose of "redefining Truth one Lie at a time". But I can't for the life of me think why they chose not to identify Ms Condie as a Focus staffer - they usually do say "Here's Joe Schmoe of Focus On The Family Action". Why hide this woman's affliation?
But what did Ms Condie ACTUALLY say?
Well, the piece was about availabilty of pornography in the US and its disemination to people who are "shocked" by it - like some who were recipents of the Comcast Superbowl incident.
They also said some 10 year old kid in Florida ( not identified ) was damaged FOR LIFE because the first message he got on his new phone was pornographic. Really? FOR LIFE? Heck what would even constitute pornographic SMS message? Inquiring minds want to know.
The Focus people of course, gave no details.
And then after talking about this poor "traumatized" kid ( FOR LIFE don't forget ), Ms Condie made the following statement :-
"There are many who, in fact, one image, one time, can be, ah, engraved in their brain that years later they can have an advanced sexual addiction - never having to go online, never having to purchase DVDs or anything else".
That is a word of word quote - Ms Condie is not the most articulate 'counsellor" out there.
But what she clearly is a BIG FAT SCAREMONGERING LIAR.