It starts as a homophobic and misogynistic disaster. It quickly drops any references to the gay driver and decides to stick with its basic misogyny message.
Oh boy is it bad.
Joan Allen's red lipstick is welded so tight on her pursed lips to keep the scream of "I'M GOING TO KILL MY AGENT!" from bursting out.
The direction is frantic in that MTV generation, ferret-on-speed kind of way where quite simply, you cannot tell what the heck is going on. There is not enough blood. There is no satire.
"Launch the Dreadnought!"
Right. So we can sink this mess back into the bad movie abyss from whence it came.
However, every misogynistic cloud has a sexist silver lining and here it is how they film Natalie Martinez. And how is that?
Droolingly. Knuckle-draggingly droolingly.