Dear Janet,
Just when I thought you could never be a bigger schill than you are for the Republican party , you go and prove me wrong with the broadcast of 9/27/11 and the piece about "Christians for A Sustainable Economy" (CASE) and it's founders, Dr. Timothy Dalrymple and Kelly Monroe Kullberg.
Pure politics Janet. These people wouldn't understand the teachings of Christ about the poor if he returned and explained it to them personally.
So Kelly's pushing this ridiculous statement of "Jesus came to remove your financial debts" while at the same time having to reconcile that square peg with the round hole of Jesus saying "the poor will always be with you". Priceless. As with all GOP operatives, irony is completely lost on her.
You often have rabidly religious guests of "the-Lord-spoke-to-me" variety and they are as funny as heck, but Dalrymple and Kullberg are different. They are politicians usurping Jesus' teachings to the GOP agenda.
As I say every time I email you, you excelled your show's low standards once again.
( Janet hosts "In The Market with Janet Parshall", every weekday on Moody Radio )