Finally I have to write something about the site www.formspring.me This is a site that allows its users to ask anonymous questions of each other. It's like a more interactive Tweet kind of a deal.
Well since their last site upgrade, certain buttons on the site have completely stopped working - the "More Answers" button for example. So you cannot scroll a page to even see old answers. The site has a troubleshooting forum where every day, people leave posts that this functionality is no longer working.
The people running the site do NOTHING, NICHTS, NADA, absolutely BUGGER ALL in response to these users complaints.
They are, in a few words, useless appendages on the arse-end of the Internet.
This error of course, should be fixed pronto, but in the interest of good user feedback ( and perhaps in getting new users ), these people need to take down the site and restore the old layout until they are in a position to say "That bug is fixed".
Right now the site is generating a huge amount of bad comments from its users and its owners should really be concerned about that.
Oh yes. For me this has been broken for maybe, a MONTH.
Why oh why can't they fix it? The way the error manifests, it might just be a Java version incompatibility - something that should be freaking easy peasy to verify and correct. Or are they giving up on XP? We simply don't know because the site never responds to user concerns.
Vent. Vent. Vent. Dumbasses.