"Turning our arse towards hos"
A reissue from the now defunct www.drjamesdobsonsucks.com
The Focus on the Family broadcasts of June 8th and 9th of 2006 entitled "Navigating Today's Youth Culture" showed a staggering return to form in the FoF lying department. And the old trout himself wasn't even present. Yes, amazingly Doctor James Dobson can bend truth AT A DISTANCE.
The two programs were really about three separate topics, but as I will point out later, the goons at FoF tried their darndest to conflate them.
Because as Odd Todd would say, "They are a bunch of scum liars."
The first issue up for a lambasting was myspace.com
Distorting Truth one issue at a time.
After their usual prurient "today's broadcast may not be suitable for younger listeners" nonsense, Doctor Bill Maier briefly touched on what the program was to be about - a terrible affliction sweeping America's youth called "The Choking Game" and myspace.com . He also introduced the studio guests, Bob Waliszewski of "Plugged In" magazine, Pastor Tim Wilson and his wife Carol "who is an elementary school teacher and also a volleyball coach" along "award winning author of over 50 books", Melody Carlson.
So as they say in The Sound Of Music, "let's start at the very beginning".
Why are these broadcasts not suitable for younger listeners? The folks at FoF are so holier-than-thou, so freaking pious that they NEVER SAY ANYTHING THAT MIGHT REMOTELY AFFECT A "YOUNGER LISTENER". And by the way, when did you last see kid scarred by an adjective? I've seen kids not being spared the rod - they had scars.
Why are all authors described as "award winning"? What awards? Something I've heard of? I'm thinking the use of the epithet "award winning" and "bestselling" is like Dr D James Kennedy listing all his degrees at the end of his comedy hour, to boost someone's shaky intellectual position. Ooooh I am an "award winning" author, my opinion trumps yours. Well, sorry honey, it just don't.
And then it was on to trashing myspace.com
So Doctor Maier lobs Mr. Waliszewski an easy question "So what is myspace.com?" And he says.......
"It is the good and the bad and the ugly, it's not, unlike the choking game, which is absolutely horrendous, in all cases, er, myspace has its good moments. So our discussion about myspace has to have all these different components"
Do you hear the subtle linkage? If you don't hear that second comma, you hear both things are the same and you don't even notice the latter part of the sentence when he's backtracking. Subtle distortion is still distortion.
"It is the good and the bad and the ugly, it's not unlike the choking game, which is absolutely horrendous...."
I had to listen to the damn CD ( $9.00 from FoF ) multiple times to hear these things are not the same.
Distortion # 2
Later Mr. Waliszewski goes on to discuss myspace profiles and he says "It ( myspace ) can be very pornographic. The pictures, that are not meant to be pornographic, but they often are"
Well, I have a myspace profile and my friends are Jenna Jameson, Stormy Daniels, Devon and Janine and I have seen no evidence of pornography from these ladies - who you would think would know a thing or to about that subject.
So again, do you see the subtle distortion? Things are not porn, but they are. They are because Mr. Waliszewski tells us they are?
And of course, he won't tell us what this "pornography" is. He's a "yoof" expert so we roll over for HIS opinion?
I really don't think so.
Of course, he would consider the following to be pornographic.

Which of course it so clearly is not.
Distortion # 3
Later still lying like the weasel he is, Mr. Waliszewski ( or perhaps Dr Maier ) said he was able with just three mouse clicks to "discover some of the most pornographic discussions that I cannot go into on this particular program. But suffice it to say, and you know what I am talking about, it was absolutely horrendous."
Guess what? I don't know what you are talking about. Sufficing ain't cutting it today.
Notice the subtle use of language again? He ( as expert ) opines without ANY examples and we are all supposed to nod sagely and say "Yep, you're sooooo right, it's all over myspace - porn and disgusting STUFF". Stuff of course, we have never seen nor evaluated.
He then legitimately talked about the dangers of online predators. That is always a valid point to bring up. But he then made the statement "myspace is a favorite site of predators". With of course, no statistics, evidence or even anecdotal evidence to back THAT up beyond one case where the crime was still in the "alleged" phase. But "a favorite site of predators"? That might be true. I don't know. But when Mr. Waliszewski says something is true, I immediately doubt its veracity.
Distortion # 4
And then maybe his most egregious distortion was when he tried to link pornography to online predators because some idiot whom he described as someone who "writes a professional digest for the porn industry" had written "one of the first things I did was create a myspace profile and started talking to 'the kids' - just to open up that channel". And that "he began flirting with a girl". Ooooooh.
The unheard link there is between "kids" and "children". And so, if it is "children", it is online predation.
Clearly the guy whom he quoted should not have said "kids". All that does is provide ammunition for people like FoF. But equally clearly he was talking about COLLEGE KIDS. After all, wasn't it at Harvard not that long ago that they showed Digital Playground's new movie "Pirates" on like, the dorm cable system?
"Kids" in college watch pornography. Sorry to burst your 1950's bubble Mr. Waliszewski. And tattoos and piercings have been "in" for at least 10 years. So there is no hidden agenda, no secret corruption of youth. no armies of pornographers on myspace recruiting lil chilluns.
THAT is all in Mr. Waliszewski's mind and I suspect, The Old Trout's.

And now finally, Day # 2 !!
Actually, there isn't much to tell. But let's talk about the 800 lb gorilla in the room that was never alluded to.
The 800 lb Gorilla
In the discussion of the "Choking Game", no one mentioned, hinted at or said the words AUTOEROTIC ASPHYXIATION.
Well, shave my head and call me normal, BUT it seems to me that what they were yakking about probably has something to do with AA. You know why they never said the words? Because then they would have to acknowledge that their fetishistic vision of young people as unblemished virgins is wrong. Oh heck, this activity is SEXUAL? No. That can't be, because our daughter/son doesn't do that! Well guess what? If the "Choking Game" is as big a problem as FoF say it is ( and I wonder about that ), then to say that AA is not involved is being disingenuous at the very least. And for an organization dedicated to providing "information" ( and I use that term loosely ) to America's families, they are singularly falling down at their self imposed job.
Of course, they weren't being disingenuous. They said what they said because ( repeat after me now )....
"They are all a bunch of scum liars."
And then there was Melody Carlson.
Almost the half of day 2 of this FoF special was devoted to trashing so called "Chick Lit" - after we had wallowed in the very tragic death of Pastor Wilson's' daughter to the "Choking Game". Dr Maier's insightful contribution to the debate?
Yup and I kid not, "Satan is after our children"
I just want to make four brief points about the whole Chick Lit discussion.
a) Dr Maier was again able to tell us the material being discussed was pornographic, but again without giving us any examples.
b) Ms Carlson was SHOCKED that in a capitalist society books are marketed at young girls! Ooooh they are "targeting our daughters". Notice that the language subtly conflates a legitimate activity to sexual predation? The books like "The Gossip Girls" glorify a lifestyle akin to Paris Hilton's and Nichole Ritchie's? Then may I suggest the "South Park" episode about Ms Hilton as the fastest way to debunk the non-argument that Ms Hilton is any kind of role model?
c) The books they talked about apparently glorify sex, drug abuse and other ( to FoF ) bad stuff. We got no examples. No passages from any book was read so we could make up our own minds. Guess what? My mind is not made up by listening to idiots like Dr Maier and Ms Carlson. Now I have to check out the "Gossip Girls" and "The A-list" for myself. I think as a grown man, I'll pass on "The Pretty Committee". And speaking of reading, has anyone read a ROMANCE NOVEL recently? Ohmigod. Clearly all that this whole "Chick Lit" phenomenon really is is a primer for romance novels. Get 'em young and keep 'em forever. Just like Budweiser. It's the American way.
d) But the best was when Doctor Maier asked Ms Carlson to recommend books that are suitable for young girls and all she could come up with WAS HER OWN BOOKS. That was freaking priceless. When really pressed she reluctantly had to recommend the works of Robin Jones Gunn - but boy was that an afterthought. Dr Maier had to step in and suggest an alternative. And his suggestion was written by FoF contributor - John Fabry. Talk about nepotism. If you look up these books by Mr. Fabry, you will see they are co-authored with one of the biggest names in "Christian" Fiction i.e. fiction that exploits Christ for a buck, Jerry "Left Behind" Jenkins. So you know they are going to be a huge steaming pile of doo.
You know what? We need some Jesse to cheer us up after trawling through the slime of FoF half truths.
Focus On The Family pixellates out these pentagrams on Jesse Jane's bikini, so I feel sort of obliged to show them too you in all their strained glory.